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All Content by CombatMedic68W

  1. UTA AO BSN: Upper-Division Clinicals/Labs/Exams Schedule

    Does anyone thats from DFW know anything about the best hospitals to do clinicals at? I assume the level 1 trauma centers would provide the best training but I’m flying blind here.
  2. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Does anyone thats from DFW know anything about the best hospitals to do clinicals at? I assume the level 1 trauma centers would provide the best training but I’m flying blind here.
  3. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @Livsmadmom, Congrats! I was hoping you got in☺️. Make sure you head over to Canvas and start that process once the course is uploaded for you. There’s a lot to do ( easy) and most of it is due tomorrow, but I’m sure they will give you an extens...
  4. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @Livsmadmom do you know how often the clinical days are?
  5. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    For anyone with a bachelors already don't’t forget to look at Texas’s 12 months and online.
  6. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @mxt Thank you! I hope you get the call, your scores are great!
  7. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Thank you @EmmaNewNurse, looking forward to it.
  8. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @NurseKenz DFW @Livsmadmom Thank you so much- I’m one of your biggest cheerleaders and hoping we will be classmates!
  9. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Just got the call- I’m in! This board has been so helpful and so supportive I wish nothing but luck and success to everyone reading this!
  10. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @mxt I hear you. Not really sure what else I could have done. There was someone on here with points higher than mine that was waitlisted as well.
  11. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @Salazar1217: that makes no sense to me , I am confused on their process- are you partnered, is that why you were called even though my total points are higher? And you are doing AO not campus based, correct? @mxt Yes, Patho and Pharm wer...
  12. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @Salazar1217: that makes no sense to me , I am confused on their process- are you partnered, is that why you were called even though my total points are higher? And you are doing AO not campus based, correct?
  13. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    I haven’t received a call or email yet, I am surprised ( 8.8) but at this point not holding my breath and moving forward. I confirmed that my points were calculated correctly, sent in the form to stay on the waitlist, shots, BON Blue card and everyth...
  14. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @Livsmadmom Thank you, same here! I tend to believe that what is supposed to happen , will happen. With an 8.4 you put yourself in a great position , good luck!
  15. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Hey Robyn, I think this cycle was more competitive than most... I am also waitlisted with total points over 8.8 ... stay focused and move forward, that’s all we can do. Good luck
  16. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    I’m assuming we need to get the “new “ flu shot that just came out since the one that I got in March was for the last season? Also once you have Titers that show immune we don’t need to do anything else correct?
  17. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    I should have and it’s my own fault for not applying elsewhere as well. Texas Tech has a 2 different 12 month online programs that I am looking into for those that already have a bachelors degrees. Good luck with everything!
  18. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    No , maybe I worded that incorrectly out of frustration. They originally calculated my points correctly, I contacted them to double check as I know a few people with lower point totals that were accepted and could not believe that more than 8.8 point...
  19. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Just to update anyone on the wait list or wondering where they stand . I contacted and heard back front the nursing program today. They calculated my points correctly - total points were in fact 8.828 and I am waitlisted.
  20. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Thank you- I appreciate it , I sincerely think they missed something. Hopefully I’ll get a response back from my email on Tuesday and they can see the error of their ways ?
  21. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Thank you- I actually just did. Did their explanation make sense to you? I feel like my calculation is dead on.
  22. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Does anyone know the process of verifying with UTA that my points were computed correctly? I understand it’s a competitive process but to be honest I thought an 8.8 would get me there.....
  23. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Waitlisted with an 8.8.... man this is definitely a competitive program... CONGRATS to all moving forward!
  24. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    @Chelsey I haven’t been officially accepted yet but with my total points I am pretty confident that I will be starting in January. I have been through more than a few training programs ( military medic, military LVN, civilian paramedic, MBA, etc) a...
  25. UTA Spring 2021 AO BSN/BSN Cohort

    Yep- good to go!