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About iamshayla

iamshayla has 13 years experience.

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  1. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Yes, I get nervous when I see an email/notification from allnurses too. I always think someone is going to post they received their letter.
  2. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Oooh. I'm so nervous now. I was fine but now my anxiety is up again LOL.
  3. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Is that for another school?
  4. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    While this may be true, I can't confirm. My last name begins with an H. Two others in this thread had the same interviewer as myself so like I said it could be possible that our last names are in the same alphabetical group or it could just be random...
  5. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Yeah, neither did I. I've posted names before and it wasn't an issue but hey, oh well.
  6. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Unfortunately, I have no information to provide as my interview was with --------------------------.
  7. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Nobody on this thread has gotten an acceptance or denial yet. I believe all of us have just submitted our application, scheduled our interview, and had the interview with the last persons being this past Friday. The two main questions I'm almost cert...
  8. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    It went good (I think). This was my first interview. She skipped a lot of questions that she would normally ask because she said they're pretty obvious like what experience do I have, why nursing, etc. Lasted about 25-30min.
  9. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Oooh, thank you! Guess I won't ask that questions. Don't want them to think I don't pay attention to the website LOL. That'll be different than previous cohorts seeing the fall cohort could double in size as I'm assuming most will want to start in th...
  10. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    I will find out on Thursday when I have my interview. I will ask questions in regard to this issue and hopefully be able to have a close to definite answer for everyone.
  11. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Hey! My interview is Thursday 5pm. I'm super nervous. What do you like about UoR? Are you from NY? I reside in Michigan. Good question because I want to know that as well. That's one of my questions I was going to ask. Aww, yay. I knew you'd do fine...
  12. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Yeah, I thought about switching to video today. I'm going to be able to get off work early so I should be fine. I just wish all of this would be over with. You still have nutrition to take right? Trying to remember and not look through the entire thr...
  13. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Aww, yay. I knew you'd do fine. Mine is in 3 days. I'll let you know how it goes.
  14. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Yes, they said they can either choose fall 2020 or choose to defer to 2021. So hopefully that just means a bigger fall 2020 cohort and not less seats available to prospective students.
  15. University of Rochester fall 2020 ABPNN

    Thank you! Yeah I'm ready for it all to be over. Did you see the Spring cohort is being delayed?