


Computer security engineer for 16 years trying to switch careers midway through life :)

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lde specializes in Student.

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  1. Bone Marrow transplant Unit

    Apologies for a follow-up post here when I could have asked this before, but I just made a post here as well, with a bit more background on why I am asking this. Could you or anyone else be kind...
  2. Hi All, I am a new grad nurse with no healthcare experience who a recruiter reached out to and told me which jobs there were open for me to apply to. One of these was for a Bone Marrow transplant...
  3. Bone Marrow transplant Unit

    Thank You David - that's helpful. I'll post in the other forums regarding the other roles that are open that I am considering applying
  4. Bone Marrow transplant Unit

    Hi, I'm a new grad RN with no experience. Nursing is a second career for me. I am trying to apply to a unit whose recruiting consultant told me there are openings on a Bone Marrow transplant...
  5. Looked at all those labs and the notes closely - everything seems very normal lab and scan wise, but you mentioned chronic pain so I'm shifting brain that side :). There's also the constipation bit...
  6. I'm not familiar with the reproductive tract that much but do think its valuable to rule out any general GI and urinary tract concerns once. So I'd: * Urine culture to make sure no UTI * General...
  7. A Fracture from a Fall: What's Going on Here?

    Yeah I agree. I would definitely probe that angle more as medically she seems reasonably stable apart from the poor nutrition and dehydration which hints at not having enough to eat and drink. The...
  8. A Fracture from a Fall: What's Going on Here?

    First ever participation in one of these and I'm still in nursing school (Q6 of 10 - Medusrg 2) so I'm hopefully not too off the mark :) but I wanted to try and participate and learn: - I would...