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All Content by MD98

  1. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Hi there has anyone from the top 10 waitlist for September 2020 been updated for a seat?
  2. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Hi guys! Has anyone received a wait list offer for the September 2020 intake being in the top 10? Thanks.
  3. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Hi there, has anyone heard back from the wait list for sept 2020 nursing ??
  4. BCIT APRIL 2020

    So what happens to the people on wait lists ?
  5. BCIT APRIL 2020

    Thanks for the info! So everyone is pushed back a semester?
  6. BCIT APRIL 2020

    like you should ask why it happened and inquire further ! cuz yah that’s really unfair
  7. BCIT APRIL 2020

    you should inquire further ...
  8. BCIT APRIL 2020

    OMG I’m sorry ! did they say why?
  9. BCIT APRIL 2020

    Congratulations! Were u on the waitlist top 10 for September?
  10. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    OMG congratulations!! Were you in the September waitlist? and if u don’t mind me asking which place?
  11. BCIT APRIL 2020

    Thanks! but I emailed them and they said for September waitlist top 10 students they don’t 100% get a seat for the January intake so I’m not sure if it changed ...
  12. BCIT APRIL 2020

    I agree, and apparently we have to reapply even if we on top 10 but it won’t let us reapply because it says there’s an active application so IDK
  13. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Yah I emailed them too, & that’s what they told me to do but if I go to register it won’t let me becauSe I have a active application so only way to reapply is it to drop out of the wait list which doesn’t make sense...
  14. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    can you take them both at the same time?
  15. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Nothing yet! ?
  16. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Anyone hear back for waitlist?
  17. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    not yet! ? IDK what my next steps would be but I’m top 10
  18. BCIT APRIL 2020

    Thank you!!
  19. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Mee ******? she said she didn’t know anything
  20. BCIT September 2020 Intake

  21. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Is there a number I can call? Because I’ve just been emailing & now I’m worried because it isn’t true.
  22. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    So I just received an email back saying just because I’m in the top 10 doesn’t mean I have a seat in the Jan intake 100%...
  23. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Yes that’s how I’m looking at it. Being top 10 really helped me look passed on “not being offered a seat”. But thank you!
  24. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    OK perfect thank you. I just want to get assurance that regardless I’m in for January because I’m top 10 for September, but definitely hoping for September ??
  25. BCIT September 2020 Intake

    Oh OK. Thanks. So you were in the wait list and now made it into September from that? I’ve emailed them to see if that’s true I haven't heard back so IDK if I should take the LIBS classes until then.