
hazelnutcoffee BSN, RN


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All Content by hazelnutcoffee

  1. MD vs NP in the picu setting

    What top notch facilities are you referring to? I’ve worked at Yale Children’s Hospital and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (the 2nd best CH in the nation) and their critical care NPs do everything the attending physician can do. In fact, they le...
  2. Johns Hopkins Family DNP Program Fall 2020

    I just accepted an offer into the program! ? I am so excited!!! Crossing my fingers for all you still waiting to hear back!
  3. Johns Hopkins Family DNP Program Fall 2020

    Hi ladies and gents, jumping on board as a latecomer. I also applied to the dual degree peds program in early February. My application took around 2 weeks to become verified. I was invited to interview earlier this week and now I'm just waiting to he...