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All Content by KatGirlTx

  1. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Yes, admission score is the only thing they looks at.
  2. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    GPA: 4.0 TEAS: 91.3 and admission score was 64 or 65. I had a previous bachelor bump.
  3. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    Congratulations to you all! j1 is hard...but it's awesome. ?
  4. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    Last round, the emails went to your nursingCAS email not TWU email. First paragraph looks like this: On behalf of the College of Nursing, it is my great pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to the upper-division...
  5. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    yes, they will tell you what section to register for. 100% stress free.
  6. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    If they follow the same schedule...we got our acceptance emails on a Tuesday (which was different than previous sessions).
  7. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    Don't worry about registering for nursing classes. There is enough room for all nursing students plus you don't get to pick your lab or clinical schedule. If you are worried about missing out on other classes b/c you won't get into nursing school. ...
  8. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    You'll be fine! Just be diligent about time management and organization. ?
  9. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    All of our lectures are online and they will be for Spring as well. Assessment lab is in-person and you have an assigned lab partner and lab station (helps keep contact down). And for clinicals you have an assigned partner (on days you work with an...
  10. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    It's junior year first semester. ?
  11. KatGirlTx

    TWU Spring 2021 Applicants

    I'm a current J1 at the dallas campus. Good luck to all the applicants! :)
  12. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Mine was also in the email I used to apply to TWU. Received at 11:09am this morning.
  13. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    same...I haven't received the link yet.
  14. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    For Dallas. ?
  15. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    That's all I have received so far as well. I guess the next contact will be the zoom info for the may 1st orientation.
  16. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    page 5 of the fall acceptance packet under vaccinations: Required vaccines are: Bacterial meningitis Required for enrollment in all public universities for students age 21 and younger http://www.vaccineinfo.net/exemptions/index.shtml Tdap – Tetanus,...
  17. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Yes, Hep A is listed as one of the required vaccinations. I did contact them to see if a IgG titer would be okay.
  18. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I have a previous bachelor degree (not from texas) and my pre-reqs were taken at TCC.
  19. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    sorry I didn't realize there was a difference between in-class and online when registering. I agree...just contact an advisor so you can sign up for patho.
  20. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I'm in patho right now at the Dallas campus (although it's online now due to covid19) so I don't think you need a registration code. It's the only nursing class you can take without being a nursing student at TWU. I highly recommend taking it ahea...
  21. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/150355089637688 dallas traditional fb page
  22. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Changed to: TWU Dallas Traditional Nursing Spring 2022
  23. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I called it: TWU Dallas Traditional Nursing fall 2020
  24. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    I'll start a fb page for Dallas traditional.
  25. KatGirlTx

    TWU Fall 2020 Applicants

    Accepted! Dallas traditional What a great way to start the day...now off to pathophysiology zoom!