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All Content by Nnursebae305

  1. Keiser University CRNA program 2024

    I got into the Fall 2024 cohort if anyone wants to connect. Super excited to start this journey. I do have a couple questions about clinical rotations and if we have breaks during the program if...
  2. University of Miami ABSN Summer 2020

    From reading previous threads they say something may be missing from your application or they might be interested in you and they might just be waiting to look at other applicants before making a...
  3. University of Miami ABSN Summer 2020

    I actually just found out I got accepted!!!! Does anyone know the exact start date of the
  4. Hey I was wondering if you could share your stats and let me know how many people get accepted into the program. I applied and I got a confirmation of my application but I don’t see much about the...