

Critical Care

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About guest1135272

guest1135272 specializes in Critical Care.

Latest Activity

  1. T shirt idea

    Take a nap day care service worker. take a nap and we will even wipe your
  2. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    they taught me never to underestimate the power of an elderly person. man when they are mad, they can get crazy
  3. Any good "nurse" shows on tv? Netflix?

    nope, make you want to pull your hair out watching them. only good ones are the real life ones, and not the re-enactments either but no good NEW ones
  4. School Shoes For Nurses

    K-swiss white sneakers are my
  5. 9-5, then you gotta work 5 days a week!, 3x 12.5hrs is
  6. Nurse Instructor/ Things That They Say

    you cant shock v-tach.
  7. Punny nursing names

    My name is nurse, i like to
  8. Ridiculous medical mistakes on TV

    alaris pump with 5 lines
  9. pushing a stretcher, not knowing until someone told me i was dripping poop down the hallway all the way from the er to 6th
  10. Charting Bloopers

    almost wrote pooped instead of
  11. What's the funniest most unusual baby name?

    pronounced "ab-se-day" spelled
  12. "(Nursing Ads) We'd Like to See"

    Sticking hands up someones butt to insert rectal tube with a smile saying "join
  13. When Do You Know It's Time To Retire?

    when your sitting there watching tv with you patient and put your feet up on their
  14. Don't Say The "Q" word!

  15. How many "school sleeps" until Holiday break?

    we get out on