El Primus

El Primus

Mental Health, trauma, addiction, injury preventio

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About El Primus

El Primus has 5 years experience and specializes in Mental Health, trauma, addiction, injury preventio.

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  1. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    My resume was about 5 pages. All relevant. My recommenders touched on different sections of the resume. So having all the pages puts things in perspective for the reviewer. I know for a fact it actually weighs in your favor at Penn. Not sure of other...
  2. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    Filomena can answer that better than anybody . Perhaps reach out to her ? You could also inquire about your chances. Best of luck !!
  3. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    @nurseab2000 1. It makes complete sense to weigh all options. My situation is quite different because my financial aid is really good. I also plan to apply to a lot of external scholarships. There are lot of scholarships out there. 2. Penn is well kn...
  4. UPENN ABSN 2020

    @Amanda Lee Hauns reach out to Filomena. You can get in BSN and not MSN.
  5. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    @aspiringcnm3 So this is what I gathered for you. All decisions went out this week. If you didn't get a response at all (acceptance/rejection) , there is a chance your application is incomplete or put in the wrong folder. If this is true please email...
  6. UPENN ABSN 2020

    @MikaylaRuth congratulations ?. If you make it to admitted students day find me.
  7. UPENN ABSN 2020

    @lavieenrose super bummed about your situation. Did you apply to other schools? Also if you were planning to reapply to Penn next cycle, I'm more than happy to help you put your application together. You have a very unique and interesting background....
  8. UPENN ABSN 2020

    @orneryscientist Glad you are still waiting on other options. I feel ya. Que sera sera !! Best of luck. Just let us know where you decide to go. @Emilee Cheam depends on when the deadline for deposit is. You can bet on final decision after that becau...
  9. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    @maroon2019 just the ABSN however some of your classes at the ABSN level will count towards your MSN. Lot of nuances so reach out to Filomena especially if you are looking for one quote for both programs. But here are links to the ABSN and MSN co...
  10. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    @aspiringcnm3 if you are start day is in summer you should get a decision this week. But I will still check for you.
  11. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    @maroon2019 it depends on whether you are traditional or accelerated student. The ABSN is about 165K but there is lot of scholarships to offset that cost. That said even with scholarships you could still be in like 80K.
  12. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    @aspiringcnm3 I think the traditional BSN/MSN has a different timeline because of the start date. I will find out the exact timeframe when I get on campus today. I will reach out this afternoon.
  13. UPENN BSN MSN 2020

    @Hownowseacow please reach out to Filomena ASAP. She will be the best person to help you on this. I know they do consider you for the ABSN if you didn't make it into the MSN program but since they didn't mention it in the rejection letter is worth as...
  14. UPENN ABSN 2020

    @orneryscientist congratulations !! I hope to see you on campus. Will you be here for the Admitted Students Day ?
  15. UPENN ABSN 2020

    Check your application. Decisions are out. We should plan to meet on Admitted Students Day.