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All Content by COERRN

  1. Pediatric patients are the largest population served in emergency rooms across the U.S.. In 2015, there were 30 million pediatric ER visits. Ideally, your child will never need emergency care, but if they do, here are 5 helpful tips to make your ER v...
  2. ER to Floor...hating it

    Have you tried talking to your current boss openly about your issues? I would explain that while you have enjoyed the new perspective of floor nursing, the ER is your "home" and that you would like to notify her that you'll be actively looking to tra...
  3. Seizures! Diastat!!

    I don't believe rescue breaths during seizure activity is the standard. You only need to do that if apnea is present after seizing has stopped. If he seizes just place him on his side and make sure he doesn't injure himself, start timing, and adminis...