Nurse Trini

Nurse Trini

LPN School Nurse

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About Nurse Trini

Nurse Trini has 8 years experience and specializes in LPN School Nurse.

Latest Activity

  1. Countdown to Winter Break!

    Yeah, having two whole weeks out this year was great due to the way the Holidays fell. Normally if it falls on the other days we have to go in two of the days before or after. Of course, that...
  2. Countdown to Winter Break!

    Our last day was Friday. Of course it's busy for me the last day before the holidays, but I got some of the kids pulled to come in early. We don't go back until Jan
  3. Roll Call

    I started on Monday, kids started yesterday. I used to not have any contract days when the kids were not in the building, but we fought to get a couple of days of prep so I don't get slammed so bad...
  4. New school nurse

    I wasn't expecting catheters to be part of my job, but they were clear about it when they interviewed me. It's not that I'd not done them in my previous clinical experience, I just didn't expect
  5. Summer School

    I am covering Summer school at my building. I'm doing the normal school nurse stuff in addition to my normal discipline office
  6. What is the role of the guidance department in your High School?

  7. 504 Question

    We require a doctor (or at least a medical provider) note that demonstrates eligibility. Once that gets the kid on the 504 the rest (accomodations , etc...) is a negotiation between the parent and...
  8. Example Tooth Loss Form

    (Image removed as it contained identifying information about
  9. Entitled Staff

    Well, that's not true. The school is obligated to provide PPE when necessary, but it is not (at least not in our district) the student health department's job to do
  10. What is the role of the guidance department in your High School?

    Guidance primarily does student curricular advising: helping students pick courses, apply to colleges, etc. They also have a generic "advice" function to students that the students/parents...
  11. Restroom Access

    We have a bit longer (I'm in a high school). The students are asked to use the time between classes (and during lunch). It is at the discretion of the teachers during class. We do have a form for...
  12. Pay??

    My gross is $32/hour. I don't have the pay equalization so I only get taxes and insurance taken out
  13. RN - LPN Power Struggle

    In our district, all the school nurses are supposed to be RNs. However they employee LPNs in other capacities. I work as the discipline office nurse. I sometimes get called to cover the regular...
  14. Under the Influence Assessment

    I converted Cattz's files to PDF for our own use. Here you go: Drug_assessment2[1].pdf Substance abuse assessment (1).pdf Physical Assessment Checklist-
  15. Excused or Unexcused absence

    We accept any parent statement that the student is ill as excused. Any student sent home for health-related issues is also treated as excused even if the parent doesn't call in. The only...