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All Content by Stillcrazyafteralltheseyears

  1. Polite way to deal with AWOL CNA’s?

    I couldn't find one of my CNA's for over an hour one day. When I did find her she said her car broke down when she left the facility to take someone home from a previous shift. As she was speaking to me she became sob and diaphoretic and started to c...
  2. TMS to treat depression?

    Anyone ever dealt with patients undergoing TMS? Does it work?
  3. TMS to treat depression?

    Thank You!
  4. Very new RN.. hate bedside nursing... thinking about leaving

    I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I myself worked med-surg after graduation. It was incredibly busy and I would work thru my lunch break and stopped taking bathroom breaks just to get finished when the next shift came on. I was wiped out. And w...
  5. HR wants meeting or report me to BON

    So I got reported to the state board of nursing after I gave a honeybun to a paranoid schizophrenic that hadn't bathed for 66 days. Security was called to restrain him so they could put him in the shower. He was screaming and combative trying to assa...
  6. New nurse leaving hospital for office job.. advice?

    Oh I loved changing from my med-surg unit I worked for 10 years to working with a physician. You learn so much more about disease process and establish a great load of really cool patients. He taught me so many pearls like "split the difference" and ...
  7. Preceptor is a bully....

    I wouldn't be able to handle the bullying from staff without telling them that their behavior is affecting me. They either will respond that they didn't mean to come across this way. (You will have to come across with specific incidences of why u fee...
  8. MD saying I didn’t do something

    How could he do this to you. I bet he has done this before with other nurses. Please don't feel bad about this. In the future I would have a back up when dealing with him. Speaking with your nurse manager about this situation and further contact with...
  9. New to psych

    On your tour look to see if the patients are clean and their rooms are clean. Find out what happens if a patient gets combative. Do you have backup from other units? Do you have security guards? Where is security located. On another floor? Do you hav...
  10. Psych nurses don't know medical?

    I had the same problem with a medical director I worked with. As u said 9 out of 10 times I was right. I came to believe that the director didn't want the affected patients medically sent out because of cost. But I didn't go away and kept reporting a...
  11. Is there a Stigma with a Male working in Nursing?

    I enjoy working with male nurses. They seem to break up the cattiness women tend to spew out on each other some days.
  12. Bullied at work, and the DON won't do anything about it. (venting)

    I worked in the same bullying environment u described. The unit manager all the way up to the heads of administration would condone the actions of a group of people because they were afraid of repercussions. Luckily we were always on video and audio....
  13. Colleague asked me for a Tylenol from my med cart. What to do?

    We got into a habit of supplying are own Tylenol for such reasons.
  14. Contested a Doctor's Order Psych ?

    There is a patient advocate number that is supposed to be posted on the unit. Not sure how you can give the patient the info without you being in trouble for disobeying the primary. But if acute pain is present it needs to be assessed by the physicia...
  15. New nurse questions

    It sounds like a normal day to me.
  16. Schizophrenia

    Consistency, Consistency, Consistency. They have to feel they can trust you. We worked on patients all the time about their hygiene. The patients had the worst dental hygiene and many refused to go to the dentist. We would help with their laundry and...
  17. What to do when Nurse is attacked and employer doesn't file police report?

    Violent assaults were frequent where I worked as a charge nurse at a state mental facility. it left me with major depression, ptsd , and severe anxiety. I know what your saying when u would go into interviews and bring up your last job experience it ...
  18. HELP ME

    Have u tried given her a warm shower, getting her something to eat. We used to let our hardcore patients play cards or put puzzles together.Our psych docs told us that their sleep/wake cycle had became impaired and were not able to adjust.