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All Content by angelxeyes

  1. I'm so unhappy with my job.

    Sorry to hear that you're having such a bad time UGAgal. I think that taking crap from everyone is part of what we do..I myself get it from patients, families, doctors, lazy coworkers, management..etc. Its all about how you cope with it. Patients and...
  2. LPN to RN student forum

    Hi everyone, I just found out that I passed NCLEX-PN and will be starting an RN program this fall (just have to get my sciences out of the way..again) anyway I've been looking for jobs in newspapers and online and I've found that the majority of faci...
  3. LPN to RN students; Spring 2006; Whatchya takin'?

    Hi everyone, I'll be taking my sciences all over again since they expire in 5 years...which I didn't know, if I had known that I wouldn't have wasted my afternoons while in high school I'll be finished in about 18 months instead of 12 but whats a fe...
  4. CA results in Dec.

    well i finally got my results on 12/31, i passed !!! reading those few words was the greatest feeling ever! what a fantastic way to start 2006! i feel as if a huge load has finally been lifted off my shoulders and now i can breathe again... :biggring...
  5. CA results in Dec.

    Congrats odobodoko! I was just wondering what site you went to to see your results? I took mine (nclex-pn) on Dec. 10th and still no results ..getting more and more discouraged as the days pass.