LPN Retired LPN

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All Content by LPN Retired

  1. LPN Retired

    New Grad Nurse - NIGHT SHIFT ONLY

    I worked evenings and nights for 30+ years, mostly because there was never a day shift to ever come open. This was a state job, only state employer in my,area, so I,had,to,stick it out to get that state retirement. I have been retired,now since 11/2...
  2. LPN Retired

    Patient Threatens to go to Manager...

    Yes, if I were in your shoes, I would be keeping some kind of record of convos with this man . he is a manipulative bully, and if he were to get to your manager first, you're screwed. Go to your manager now, and tell him/her what has been said. You m...
  3. My initiation into the nursing field came as I first started as a nurse's aide. They had me accompanying other aides for my training to learn what I had to do. One little lady who was admitted from home, came in with huge decubitus all over her butto...
  4. My initiation into the nursing field came as I first started as a nurse's aide. They had me accompanying other aides for my training to learn what I had to do. One little lady who was admitted from home, came in with huge decubitus all over her butto...
  5. LPN Retired

    Nurses calling POA to notify

    Oh gosh, where I used to work we had to call the family about every little thing. (I worked with mentally and physically disabled people over 30 years.) We had to call about everything. Most of our notifications were about injuries or illnesses. Call...
  6. LPN Retired

    The Stigma of Men in Nursing

    Oh, good grief, I was just trying to be funny. Do you,not have a sense of humor?? Lighten up.
  7. LPN Retired

    tick tock....1 more sleep

    We never had a school,nurse when I was in school. Wouldn't have made any difference for me anyway. My mother made me go to school even if I was sick. i used to have alot of colds as a kid, always runny nose, and sneezing. Never had any comfort meds t...
  8. LPN Retired

    The Stigma of Men in Nursing

    IDK, but that guy in the pic could be my nurse any time.
  9. LPN Retired

    Dweller on a med error

    Everybody makes mistakes now and then . you did everything you could to rectify it. Called the doctor. Just learn from it. And move on . you're still a going to be a great nurse. Try not to dwell on it too much.
  10. Why do you hang around this person? Get away from her, as far as you can go. If it were me, I,would change jobs if I had to, to get away from her. Leave her in the dust.
  11. LPN Retired

    Any good "nurse" shows on tv? Netflix?

    I used to love watching Saint Elsewhere. But that been gone long time.
  12. LPN Retired

    Rejected by Patient

    There's always 2 sides to every story. I will probably be in the hospital eventually for heart surgery to repair an aneurysm. My sleeping habits are horrible. I have to take a lunesta but my dog wakes me up usually around midnight, give an hour or tw...
  13. LPN Retired

    renewal of lpn license in pa age 66

    I am an LPN, I worked over 40 years, but 7 years ago I was diagnosed with aortic stenosis and had aorta valve replacement. Now I have an aneurysm, which,is being closely, monitored. I qualified for social security disability, so I,took that along wit...
  14. LPN Retired

    AMA Looks to Retrain Doctors on Taking Blood Pressures

    He also looks like hes ready to pump it up, but has no stethoscope in his ears. There is one hanging on the wall.
  15. As an LPN, I know I work under the guidance and supervision of a doctor or an RN. If an RN TELLS me to call 911, I'm calling. She or he can hash it out with their supervisor later if it was a mistake. In an emergency you do what needs doing. Gosh, if...
  16. LPN Retired

    Need Advice on Accused Medication Error

    At the LTC I worked in, they required you to stay with the patient until the treatment was finished. That was one reason among many that I wouldn't go back to work there. The med round and scheduled treatments like this were overloaded and it was imp...
  17. LPN Retired

    Board of Nursing Complaint

    I'm sorry, I know I've been out of the loop for long time, but how is it that nurses are making Diagnoses and ordering,tests, etc? Is that not against the law anymore?
  18. LPN Retired

    New LTC/Overnight Nurse

    Ditto on what amolucia said, never take shortcut on your narcotic count. Never. Don't trust anybody, even your moma where those narcs are concerned. I came in one night, counted with off going nurse and short on some narcotic. (Dont Dont rememberr ...
  19. LPN Retired

    Why do RNs choose to work in nursing homes?

    I'm a retired LPN, and I've worked alot of LTC. I have no,idea where all you guys are located, but where I've worked in LTC, staffing was always short. The CNAs frequently had to,divide up another assignment due to call ins. Then as the nurse on the ...