LPN Retired LPN

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All Content by LPN Retired

  1. LPN Retired

    Reaching my breaking point with middle schoolers

    Back 50 years ago when I was in high school, I dont think we even had a nurse. I never remember getting an injury, But I used to have a runny nose alot . I know now it was allergies, and seemed like it was all the time. I sure could have used a Bena...
  2. LPN Retired

    push back/cancel with no pay

    My supervisor demanded from another nurse her phone number. Supervisor said she HAD to give it to her. The nurse said, "no way, you don't pay my phone bill." Supervisor shut her mouth. Same supervisor also told us once, that if a representative from...
  3. LPN Retired

    Why Do Nurses Quit?

    TPTB create so many positions and dont want to hire over that number. Then they will work the ones there, to death, calling them in on their days off. I had a supervisor work me about 8 days in a row, but she didn't care as long as I came in and cove...
  4. LPN Retired

    CMA playing "Nurse Manager?" CMA boundaries? NPD?

    I don't think you should apply. I think you would end up being resentful of this CMA person and it could cause conflict.
  5. LPN Retired

    Nurse Assault: My Story

    That's horrible to be treated that way and have to put up with it.
  6. LPN Retired

    LVN to patient ratio California

    Many years ago,I worked in a little LTC home, in the LA area, and I had, I think, about 40-45 people to pass meds to. But the med pass didn't seem,to,be real heavy.,I managed it, and worked there couple of years, until,we moved again. I really liked ...
  7. LPN Retired

    Anyone Just Interested in Being an LPN, and not an RN

    I was an LPN.,retired now, I put my license on the inactive list, and I haven't worked in about 7 years now. I was never interested in going on for RN, I enjoyed the LPN level. The pay for my area was pretty good for LPN, so I didn't have any complai...
  8. LPN Retired

    Stressed LPN

    I worked LTC and had an average of 30 pts and that was hell. I can't imagine having 40 or 60. But I have found out that LPNs get dumped on alot. And as long as we keep our mouth shut and continue to put up with it, nothing changes. Upper management d...
  9. LPN Retired

    I'm the manager but UAPs are undermining me

    RUN, run like Forrest Gump, get out. You worked too long and hard for your license to lose them over an UAP and a supervisor who won't back you up. Disaster waiting to happen and they will lay the blame on you.
  10. LPN Retired

    Addressing Student Body Odor

    And besides how do you get into someones locker? Aren't they locked? Isn't that the purpose of a locker, to lock and keep others out? You are right .,please forgive my ignorance. I've been out of school,for very long time. Alot of things have change...
  11. LPN Retired

    Addressing Student Body Odor

    And besides how do you get into someones locker? Aren't they locked? Isn't that the purpose of a locker, to lock and keep others out?
  12. LPN Retired

    Really Sick

    I rarely get sick anymore, since I quit smoking 25 yrs ago. I used to get bronchitis alot, small cold and it would go directly to my chest. I,got tired of being sick all the time, so I quit smoking. I rarely get sick anymore. I am obsessive now, tho,...
  13. LPN Retired

    LTC is making me hate nursing!!!

    You are blessed if you have a job with only 20 residents to care for. I did some LTC, and I had a hall with about 30 pts. It was impossible to get everything done and leave on,time.
  14. LPN Retired

    Craziest PDN/PDN Venting Thread

    That's insane to expect someone to go 8 hours or longer with no restroom access. I would have to turn that job down .
  15. LPN Retired

    I feel like I’m being targeted please help

    Usually, every facility has a medication error report. And maybe some kind of incident report.
  16. LPN Retired

    Stressed LPN

    I've been there as well. They had me on a hall that had about 30 pts. And that was horrible. I worked on graveyard shift, and I,had an early morning med round scheduled at 6 am . and by state regs, I Should have been able to start at 5 and be finishe...
  17. That's great. I,wish something likevthat were available around here. But I'm retired now any way. I really don't want yo go back to work . got too many old aches and pains now.,
  18. LPN Retired

    LVN not wanted

    Seems to me they are jealous, because you have a license, and they don't. Seems like they want you out so they can run the clinic themselves like they want to. I think you should remember you have the education and the license that they don't. Stand...
  19. LPN Retired

    Disappointed LPN

    First job I had at a hospital, I floated from floor to floor. I felt it gave me alot of experience. I only go to work there for a year , because my husband decided to move us out of state. So that was the end of that . I,liked working there.
  20. Wow, I can't think of anything. I've worked as a nurses aide, and as LPN for many years. It takes alot of walking. You get done with one patient and you have to,move on to the next one. Maybe your GF needs to move out of medical, into something else,...
  21. LPN Retired

    Love school nursing, but can't pay my bills.

    Wow. 4 hrs a day? That's like 20 hrs a week right? That's too little. Girl I moonlighted alot when I was working. I always had 2 jobs going. With that one just 4 hrs a day, you could be pulling down a regular fulltime job from somewhere else and savi...
  22. I was also wondering about the med being left in the bassinet. Is that a common practice? Are other meds left in bassinet of other babies as well? Just seems like that is not a good practice, or good way to keep,up with meds. Unauthorized people comi...
  23. That sounds bad too. Liquid Tylenol strangles me I can't imagine trying to get a dose down a small baby PO.
  24. Sounds like an investigation is in order. There are questions that haven't been answered. What prompted the CST to give the medication? Did the Dr tell CST to give it, did Dr say how much to,give? Or was there a MAR with the instructions on it? Did t...
  25. LPN Retired

    credit by examination

    Wow! I think I would get an attorney to investigate this and get it resolved somewhat more to my satisfaction.