StevieRay BSN RN

StevieRay BSN RN

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About StevieRay BSN RN

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  1. Looking at Patient Information Before Shift

    The responses are interesting. At the hospital I work for, this is the culture. We are all allowed to clock in at 0638 (which is the time we start bedside report) but 99% of us arrive to the floor...
  2. med surg RN to cardiac step-down

    I will try to help you the best I can with my under two years experience on a step-down telemetry/cardiothoracic unit. This is my first and only nursing position so I do not have experience on a...
  3. What city do you work in and how much do you get paid hourly?

    Seems like nurses on the East Coast are right around $30 an hour with no experience. I work at a level 1 trauma center in a rural part of Western, PA and new grads usually start around $26.30/hr. and...
  4. Med-Surg v. Telemetry/Step-down

    I work on a med-surg/tele unit. Our ratio is 4:1 and seldom we get 5:1 but we try to do our best to coordinate this so the RN with the sickest patient doesn't have a 5 patient assignment. All of our...
  5. CNAs starting IVs

    To be honest, I don't really feel strongly on this topic either way. If I worked with a veteran CNA who was great at IV insertions, I would have absolutely no issue going up to them & asking if...
  6. New RN, how to save face

    A part of me thought your post was hilarious (mainly because it is something I can picture myself doing lol) and another part of me can empathize with your feelings. I have only been working for...
  7. Working smarter, not harder?

    The transition can be difficult, but isn't impossible. I work on a cardiothoracic/tele unit and some days are better than others. Some days I clock out with my head spinning and others, I leave...