Red Shirt 6 CNA


All Content by Red Shirt 6

  1. Red Shirt 6

    Superstitious Nurses

    The Q word is not to be used to describe, reference anything involving the work place or the people in it, etc...
  2. Red Shirt 6

    Nurses are Pushed to the Brink

    The local Colleges and institutes and other cancelled all of the CNA, programs. So the city where I am at is getting hit with a shortage of CNA's and other support personal. While more and more of the CNA's that I work with are going PRN and completi...
  3. Red Shirt 6

    NBC's The Nurses - Just another nurse show?

    I was working when it aired so I caught on streaming. After the narration and introduction of the charters a major disaster happens on their first day. The show briefly has the nurses in Emergency, L&D, OR, and or ICU. It hints at some drama, con...
  4. Red Shirt 6

    Best stethoscope?

    Check out the Prestige Medical Clear Sound Scope. Not high priced and is durable.
  5. Red Shirt 6

    Book recommendations?

    Not sure what you find entertaining but these have are medical related. Virgin River Series by Robyn Carr A Nurse Practitioner and midwife Melinda Monroe takes a job in the rural town of Virgin River, California. She goes there for a fresh s...
  6. Red Shirt 6

    How to choose which direction to take????

    If you are interested in teaching maybe you could try teaching CNA's part time. See if an academic setting is appealing.
  7. Red Shirt 6

    Need advice about asking for higher pay as a resident

    It will not get you dollars but any college level degree or certificate will get you something. Any Specialized certification or licensing like cosmetology, food handlers or even having a CDL although you will have to sell or push for it get you more...
  8. Red Shirt 6

    Turning a morbidly obese patient

    Get a long flat sheet fold in half place it so it is centered under the heaviest parts of the torso. For positioning the patient to the center or a side of the bed. lay the bed flat then raise the bed so it is above you waist and do a slow steady pul...
  9. Red Shirt 6

    Courses to take that could help in the future?

    Take the basic classes that apply to every major like English, Math that way if you find yourself wanting to specialize or do not like healthcare the classes will apply to any major. I will also suggest certificate courses like CMA, CNA, Phlebotomy, ...
  10. Red Shirt 6

    Different Avenues of Getting Into a Nursing School

    Along with the LVN Bridge you can become a Paramedic do a bridge program to RN.
  11. Red Shirt 6

    What was your last non healthcare related job?

    Custodian for a public school district.
  12. Red Shirt 6

    Need Advice! Please Help!

    What is your current major? To get finical aid having a complete degree makes it easier. That is because after so many credit hours with out graduating they see you as being a professional student and you will not be able to receive any grant money. ...
  13. Red Shirt 6

    Northern nursing and flying

    Did you go North? If you did what was it like?
  14. Red Shirt 6

    Help! No one taking New Grads what to do for 6 months?

    You can include 3RNET,org and if you have not already done that. Look at state, county, and maybe city for employment. It is mainly Public health but it is something to think about. To help you feel more productive and less anxiety try ta...
  15. Red Shirt 6

    I Don't Know What I'm Doing With My Life

    If I understand correctly you are over qualified/educated for the experience jobs you want. you want to work at for a year. your main Interest is a future with child/adolescent as a specialty. Most employers are going to want more than a year. So I...
  16. Red Shirt 6

    Toon Caption Contest | Student Nurse Day

    I was boasting about how much better I am then that old "Witch" in ICU then this happened.
  17. Red Shirt 6

    Toon Caption Contest | Nurses Week

    So how was your first day as administrator for
  18. Kahoot!.com has been used in some of my courses.
  19. Red Shirt 6

    Have Not Worked Since Graduating Nursing School

    I had some difficulty getting hired after graduating. The County I am in is one of those places people are leaving so I did some low price and free certifications to explain why there was a delay. I also started ;looking for places that will train st...
  20. Red Shirt 6

    Nursing - Not Sure...

    If you can take the summer do so, during the summer do job shadowing and ride alongs in anything that interests you (in and out of the Nursing field). While doing burn-out cure's. Mean while revisit why you want/wanted to become a Nurse.
  21. I have read a few of the Cheery Aimes books and I remember there was always a mystery involved so she was a nurse detective. To answer your question I think we need to take some of the mystery of Nursing College. AS far as I know there are few depi...
  22. public health, or podcasting, writing, or social media.
  23. Red Shirt 6

    Should I attend a 12 month or 15 month LPN program ?

    What do you want to specialize in? Would any of the different or extra classes help/train you in the career you want?
  24. Red Shirt 6

    Finish the Toon!

    Our CEO has implemented a trail policy of having the staff look as sick as the patients to be you more at ease and to put things on a more personal level. So patient 4578-35 what do you think of the policy?
  25. Red Shirt 6

    Doctors offended by TV show about nurses

    These are the shows that I believe have Nurses are the main focus and or protagonist. 1. Nurses (2019-?) 2. Angles in White AKA Itsumademo Shiroi Hane (2018) (Technically this one is about nursing students) 3. Charite' (2017) 4. ...