Red Shirt 6 CNA


About Red Shirt 6

Red Shirt 6 has 5 years experience as a CNA.

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  1. Red Shirt 6

    Quiet Unit

    Maybe complete the required training for the other units. I would also see if the hospital needs or has a shortage of credentials and if any of them interest me and fit with my future career plans then decide on what to do. What are your caree...
  2. Red Shirt 6

    Summer Work

    along with what k1p1ssk posted maybe Cruise ship nurse Volunteer Nurse / mission trip seasonal government jobs
  3. Red Shirt 6

    In Need of Career Advice

    You will train and retrain as your career progresses so you will gain the skills and experience you really need. Some employers are better with a set schedule but if you like where you are and can deal with the odd hours then I will suggest sta...
  4. Red Shirt 6

    Free Nursing CEUS

    FEMA and the CDC have some free independent study courses that count towards CEU's.
  5. Red Shirt 6

    Signs of hospital closing?

    I have been through a few layoffs/shutdowns. Some of the things I watch out for is enforcement of retirement for those eligible, and offers of early retirement, supplies like paper, floor wax not being replaced or moved to other locations, strict enf...
  6. Red Shirt 6

    Observations about new nurses and the field

    subee makes an interesting point the PR and the limited exposure on TV. Psychiatric Nurse TV Series. Wakefield (2021) Ratched (2020) Durdom (2006) TV Series with the focus on the Doctor The Eleventh Hour (1962-1964) The Ps...
  7. Red Shirt 6

    How long should I stay with my first nursing employer?

    How long would it take to pay back the $4,000.00 staying with current job? How long do you think it would take for you to pay if off with a new employer?
  8. Red Shirt 6

    Phasing Out ADN?

    One time I asked a manager at a hospital about hiring LPN, ADNand I was told that they do not like to hire LPN or ADN because many hires will go for their BSN, MSN, or NP . Then the nurses would have to be paid more or the nurses end up leaveing beca...
  9. Red Shirt 6

    Caption This!

    HR to Davey Do Who's going to work this holiday weekend?
  10. Red Shirt 6

    Is nursing burn out really that bad?

    If you want high than finance and accounting are better choices. First certain times of the year short staffing (like the holiday season) are going to be a problem no matter what specialty you work in. Second the patients and their families...
  11. Red Shirt 6

    I HATE nursing school. Now what?

    @ namaB, ADN From the dates on this post, you have graduated and have been working for a few years. Did you make an expensive life mistake? Do You like being a Nurse?
  12. Red Shirt 6

    Trying to Find a Reason to Stay in Nursing

    You are not alone in being frustrated with how things are and resenting coworkers. However, I think the real problems are foolish and short-sighted decision makers, For the general population a lack of knowledge of the realities of healthcare work.
  13. Red Shirt 6

    Dolan Scrubs MEME Halloween Contest

    I survived Halloween at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital and all I got was a coffee mug, and a 2% raise. I survived Halloween at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital and I got a DOLAN scrubs shirt.
  14. Red Shirt 6

    Dolan Scrubs MEME Halloween Contest

    Now Hiring RN's, LNA's, and all positions: Locations include Haddonfield Memorial Hospital The C.U.R.E. Institute Camp Crystal Lake Kingdom Hospital Mercy Falls Children's Hospital
  15. Red Shirt 6

    Do you regret becoming a nurse?

    I sometimes regret working in healthcare when I have to cover an extra shift and lose another day off.