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About Nursie2k6`

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  1. LPN Salary

    What do you mean 300.00 a check for insurance is that mandatory for LPN's in Michigan Thanks a
  2. Quick question re Lopressor

    does your patient have a history of afib....we use it for afi also and we give a low dose 12.5 to all our thoracic's to decrease chanse of flipping to
  3. A day in the life of an LPN

    I work in a hospital on a CardioThoracic Step Down Unit.....I get to work about 6:30 can't clock in till 7:00 but I like to pull tele strips and read them....check my charts......and check my labwork...
  4. Lakeland Community College

    Hi what classes are you taking??? I am also starting at Lakeland for my RN....I still have a lot of pre reqs to go considering almost nothing transferred over from LPN school....Good Luck and email...
  5. Any Cleveland Clinic Nurses out there

    I am a LPN but I heard one of the new grads in my orientation say that she started at 23.40 and she had her MSN but she had just
  6. I got in!

    Hi Jaylynn congrats!!!!! I did not attend Huron but my friend did and she liked it and stated that they were fair she now works in ICU there and they helped her pay off her student
  7. Excelsior College Grads???

    Hi I had a representative from Excelsior come to give me some information about the school the only thing that I didn't like was the fact that it is so expensive and if I wanted to continue my...
  8. Any Cleveland Clinic Nurses out there

    I am a nurse there in the Cardio Thoracic unit.... I didn't kow that they offered A&P Classes there through what
  9. Any Cleveland Clinic Nurses out there

    Yep I work at the Clinic and so far it is great but it so
  10. Hey I wondering if there any Cleveland clinic nurses out here and how do you like it???
  11. Man I am scared to death

    Wow thanks for the wonderful advice and encouragement!!!!! I had my first full day on the unit yesterday and honestly it was not that bad and OMG the nurses were so helpful!!!!! I think that everybody...
  12. Hi I am a new LPN and I work in a step down unit for Cardiothoracic/Telemetry I find it very informativr and I am soooooo
  13. HI all I am a newly graduated LPN and I accepted my first job at a major hospital in Cleveland...the only thing that I am scared of is the fact that they hired me on a Thoracic Surgery/Telemetry Step...
  14. Hi I am in Cleveland Ohio and I am an LPN who works in Thoracic Surgery/
  15. I Passed!
