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About wannab1crna

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  1. CCRN or not?

    Speaking of this certification, I am starting CRNA school in a week, my CCRN expires in December...any reason I should renew
  2. Paying for CRNA School, military

    Hello, i am in the navy reserve. I don't know if there are any specific programs for the air force, but you probably can get the reserve gi bill--it's only $297 monthly, but anything helps... also,...
  3. Preparing for interviews

    I got accepted to TWU! Interview there went much better than
  4. Starting TWU Fall 2006?

    Hello all, I will be starting at TWU in the Fall/06 as well. Yes, I am very anxious and excited not knowing what all to expect. I got Lubbock as my clinical site--which is where I wanted. I also...
  5. TCU/Wesleyan Interviews

    I recently had my interview at TWU and was told they interviewed 450 and will be accepting
  6. TCU/Wesleyan Interviews

    Well, both of my interviews are done Frankly, I don't think I interviewed well for TCU, just got bad vibes during the whole thing. I had the last interview of the day, it only lasted 30 minutes....
  7. Preparing for interviews

    I interview this coming week, will let you know how it turns
  8. TCU/Wesleyan Interviews

    Do any of you guys have any other information on more specific interview questions? My applications are almost complete. Do you think that last minute applications, just before the deadlines have...
  9. Preparing for interviews

    Any information would be helpful,
  10. I have made application to two crna schools in Texas and need advice about what kinds of questions to expect and the best way to prepare for the interview board? Please help...