Currently the new officer clothing allowance is $600. It is a one time deal. It would be ideal to try the items on first, but if this is not an option, here is a link to Ranger Joes PT clothing....
Good luck and safe journey. When you are thinking of that crappy galley food, remember the Soldiers like me eating MRE's!! Lol, I was a sailor for 8 years in a previous life so can relate. Take
as long as you can run a word processor, printer, and microsoft powerpoint, you should be fine. not necessarily. many of us have families that are not with us. it is my understanding that if you...
There are still many signs here that say OBC. I believe that is a fairly recent change so you know how long it takes to change signs, etc. I am to report to Ft. Benning after OBLC. I am new to the...
There are still questions about the class "A"'s and blues at this time here. As of this moment, we are being told NOT to buy either one. Of course that could change on a moment's
OBLC = Officer Basic Leader Course. This course is for AMEDD (Army Medical Department) officers. This is what the Army calls it. Other services have different names. The military loves acronyms! OBLC...