MaNixon CNA

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All Content by MaNixon

  1. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    Hi @DaniLynn, How are you? Yes, I will do my best to come back and update on how the first day went. I will ask if the other classmates would like to come share as well. What types of things do you want to know?
  2. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    I think there's a limited time frame to edit your post (kinda odd ik). Someone might come censor it as some point. Also I hope I didn't come across as like bossy or anything.... I just had that happen to me a few posts ago and wanted to make you awar...
  3. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    @jasonlynn I don't have facebook, but! I am not opposed to making one in order to stay connected with everyone ?. I'm not sure if you saw this, but on Allnurses there is a similar feature where we can make a "club" type thing for our cohort for ...
  4. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    You're welcome ?. HHA is a really good idea! The flexibility and experience is really nice. I used to do home health, so if you would like any recommendations let me know and I will send you a pm with the names. Are you a CNA currently or looking to ...
  5. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    I will be working PRN as a nurse tech at the hospital I currently work for while in the program.
  6. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    You're welcome! Yeah, I think that's just the standard for the physical exam form. The one attached to your physical exam just submit under the physical exam tab. And then you can submit a standard vaccination and titers form to the MMR, Tdap, TB, et...
  7. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    Yes, whatever forms you have from your Dr's, work, or wherever you previously received your shots from will work. It just needs to show proof of the shots and when you received them. Same goes for the titers also. Hope this helps!
  8. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    I'm glad you're doing well! Sweet! It's such a relieving feeling when you check things off the to-do list. Hahaha yes, I was so stressed about getting everything done because I didn't want to lose my spot. I keep checking to make sure I did everythin...
  9. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    Oh no! I'm sorry you had that going on. I probably would have been going crazy as well. I'm glad you're back and better LOL. Thankfully you were able to get that taken care of now vs it happening right when we start in January. That's awesome. ...
  10. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    We're almost there, girl! Only 3 weeks left Yahoo. I have some stuff already that some friends and family gifted me, but I have my Amazon ready for some more stuff LOL. I'm trying to hold off until after orientation to buy everything else. What shoes...
  11. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    You're welcome. I understand! I did the exact same thing. I wanted to get everything done ASAP and was trying to fly through everything on CB in one sitting LOL. Glad I could be of help. I'm interested to see how things go at orientation, but a tad b...
  12. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    @Julia Zelaya I would lookup online the AHA (American Heart Association) CPR certification and see what you can find in your area. I don't have much information to offer for that because I am certified through my hospital and they use AHA to cer...
  13. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    Hey, So our CastleBranch assignments aren't due until January 8th, so some of these things we won't be able to complete until January or next month. I don't know if you printed it or not, but on the CastleBranch form (the one attached to our a...
  14. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    How is everyone doing/feeling? Since our acceptance letters went out my focus has totally shifted to Nursing and I'm counting down the days for Fall semester to be over LOL.... Has anyone started supply shopping yet? I'm waiting to buy textbooks and ...
  15. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    That's a great opportunity! I hope it all works out for you. Oh good, I'm glad you got the names. ?
  16. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    Okay, so maybe when your results are in from your background check they will update your status in MYSPC. If it updates lmk because there is on day class full and one evening full so I'm just curious. You don't have to upload it yet. The results are ...
  17. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    Hmmm, have you started on your acceptance steps already? They might not switch students until certain steps have been completed such as the background check and or drug screening just incase? That's just my thinking because mine cleared the other day...
  18. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    That is a smart idea. That way you can look at all of your options and weigh the pros and cons. That's awesome! My coworker who went through EAYL said it was the best decision he made and he loved the experience. It also gives you job security post g...
  19. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    @AngusBeef I don't believe they do because technically the class wouldn't be available to us because it is exclusive for the EAYL program students. Their application process is different from ours, they have to do interviews and such with their ...
  20. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    @AngusBeef Correct, but BayCare's EAYL program has their own cohort separate from ours and there is a limited number of seats available.
  21. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    In MYSPC has any of your MyAcademics page changed? Mine has been switched to nursing and has the nursing classes on there. It doesn't show if I'm in days, evenings, or what clinical site, etc. Just that I'm in nursing, but a couple of the Spring L1 c...
  22. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    So happy you're here to join us!? Yes, I was just too anxious about everything and didn't want to risk losing my spot due to not having everything in on time. I have everything minus my physical and flu shot done which I get this Thurs. So I'm patien...
  23. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    Congrats!!! I remember you from the other forum, I was looking for your name actually when this one started. LOL. I'm glad you chose to apply for Spring semester anyway. See you at orientation! Are you hoping for days or evenings? ?
  24. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    I put evening's as my number 1 preference. I'd prefer not to have summers off and just go straight through the program like I did with my pre-reqs. I don't like having too much time off from school, but if I get mornings I will not complain. I'm grat...
  25. MaNixon

    SPC Spring 2021 Applicants

    @AngusBeef Thank you ? You're next! As far as stethoscopes, I think I am going for the 3M Littman cardiology IV. It's a bit of an investment, but I heard it is worth it. A lot of nursing students and nurses I know get the 3M classic III as well ...