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All Content by KonichiwaRN

  1. I hate fake call outs.

    A coworker that fakes a illness, to have a nice weekend of rest while placing burden on his/her coworkers.. is nothing but a selfish arrogant jerk. We know your kind. And we do not trust you, or will help you when you start calling wolf.
  2. Only two things matter in news. Is it verifiable? And what is the whole picture, instead of the authors cutting and framing stories.
  3. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    I think that is the scenario since somewhat of a market competition still exists. You (and me) would have no say should Medicare come in to replace "everything," and the surcharges are skyrocketing. The taxpayers (people like you or I) would be recei...
  4. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    Nah. It all comes down to one teeny weenie thing, called..if you get the government involved, it will raise costs and guess who pays for it? People like me.
  5. I point to the part where I'm saying, let us "assume" that I agree with you. You can't control bias. There will always be people that decide to be biased, or prejudiced, or racist. It's their choice. I'd be the first one to cry out foul if I saw a Ho...
  6. So let us say that I will agree with you slightly on this "non quantifiable verifiable" variable of internal prejudice. How do you solve it? People have it automatically, right? You are placing a dogma that everyone is guilty, because the outcomes (r...
  7. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    The two cannot be compared for acute care is something that a person's life would depend on. However, if you place variables such as, the electricity powering up the ventilator..etc. It did get complicated no doubt. My point is this again: Do whateve...
  8. How can a ethnic minority, have a internal bias in this nation? You are automatically placing sin on a group of population (nurses and doctors) that we are treating our patients with PREJUDICE. I don't care who my patients are or what they did..what ...
  9. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    I'm basically for, let the market decide on the price. That always worked for the better interest of the consumers. It got complicated as we are all aware. Somewhere along the line, we did get the government involved.
  10. Internal biases. Oh yes. The subjective variable that cannot be sensed, seen, or quantified but is claimed by countless of case studies. Yes. I'm biased against such "studies." ? And I'm a "ethnic minority" living here in this country, as a first ge...
  11. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    Everything else is noise. Difference in opinions exist. It all starts getting complicated when someone starts to say, "I can make this word into a better place!" Always ends up in higher taxes. I again emphasize..I can't believe this nation's income ...
  12. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    "..repeal what remains of Obamacare after the Supreme Court struck down its "State Mandate" as unconstitutional in 2012...‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the Stat...
  13. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    It's weird how you came to that one single conclusion, when there's a vast possibility that could come out. It's like saying: since I am not for a "universal health care plan," I must be for the one-for profit company that covers all health care nee...
  14. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    I have many times stated: a "single entity" that establishes the cost of a service that is provided by the private sector.. will do nothing but drive up costs. and how will people cover those costs increase? yup. TAXES.
  15. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    I really don't care what anyone does politically when it comes to social issues. Just don't raise our income taxes (federal rate). If you want your -insert whatever social agenda here- feel free to pay for it using your own money.
  16. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    You guys (yes, you advocates of a government plan) already PLACED the government when it comes to: paying for health care. sigh.
  17. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    You must then use comparison of a country, with universal health care that resembles our population. Including the tax payer vs non tax payer ratio. Again, if you let the market (consumers-demand) determine the cost (supply), you will lower the costs...
  18. My point exactly! How dare she alleges and claims that we, nurses, have prejudice in our minds when it comes to our patient care? And people actually defend her. Which astonishes me.
  19. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    I am claiming that private insurance pays LESS than the government. sigh. This is why I brought up the Lasik surgery as an example. Private payers will drive cost DOWN while government paying for ANYTHING will drive costs UP. Taxes are separate for i...
  20. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    Compare and contrast, "anything" that the government pays for.. versus, what a private entity would pay for. Supply and Demand. One of the fundamental rules of economics. You do not acknowledge that accessibility to government money (tax dollars) is ...
  21. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    I'm referring to a simple comparison. Compare the "elective procedure," called Lasik. Which the government does not pay for, with another "similar procedure" that the government pays for. Which costs more? Similar procedure/personnel/equipment. Cost...
  22. Does anyone here actually like nursing?

    I'm sorry to hear such thing has happened to you Nurse Betty. I also can relate how it feels to be bullied by the entire unit (minus one or two individuals), including the director of that unit. Needless to say, I had my very first experience of Hosp...
  23. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    Then we do have a disagreement. I look at results to base my judgement. People cite "studies," that are not proven with results (real world) when it comes to social policies. I'd like to use a simple example. Lasik surgeries. Compare the procedural c...
  24. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    Oh, so now you are "forcing" private insurance companies to go out of business? (another subject) There goes competition even more! Poof! Monopoly. Anyways: We pay taxes. Income taxes. We already pay a LOT of it. It will increase the taxes even more,...
  25. How would Medicare for all affect nursing?

    And like I said, it will drive OUR insurance premiums up. Why are you trying to "force" me to pay more?