well i am in the same boat as you courtneyalissa vbmenu_register("postmenu_1809284", true); mine shut off at 150 or 160 .who knows i prayed for it to shut off and was not even sure where it shut off...
Carole , Where in Pa. are you ? Dont use any publishing company:nono: .. Get your tabers out ! An old med surg book and get the disks from ebay and you will be fine !!!!!!!!!!!It can look very...
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rnstudygroup/ There are great notes here and cheap on ebay TYPE IN Excelsior college on ebay What were the questions like ?????? Sorry to hear you failed
I took some classes and thought what the heck ???/ But MY THOUGHTS ON IT ! what we really are suppose to take away is the ability to understand some people work with there hands and at some point you...
RN Wendy ......You are in the same frame of thought I am in ? maybe ? I am to start back to the "traditional" nsg program in Jan.2006 I did it the entire summer SUCKED !!!!!! Challanged NSG 1 and OB...