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All Content by jlmcgrot

  1. Anyone have good luck with Portage Learning?

    This is the best accreditation.
  2. Portage learning Chemistry course

    You have to give the specific class to be safe. I've been told "yeah, we accept Portage" only later to find out they only accept some classes from Portage. Luckily I'm beginning the process and trying to wrap up 1 more prereq.
  3. Brenau ABSN Spring 2019

    Do you feel good about the program? Is it as bad as some other posts make it sound?
  4. Brenau ABSN Spring 2019

    I hate to hear this. On paper, it looks like the right fit (outside of the cost), but maybe I'll have to keep it as a backup only. Mercer looks good too with their new ABSN, but I think it's even more expensive. Brenau seems to make their "total ...
  5. University of Phoenix Online - Prerequisites

    Does it have a lab? I don't believe it does. If there is no lab, it's probably a waste of your time and money. You can see if your school accepts Portage Learning. It's regionally accredited and provides transcripts through Geneva College: https://...
  6. CNA Required before RN?

    The only one I've seen that I'm considering is Georgia Highlands. Of course, this requirement pushes them down the list a couple of notches. They actually don't care if you work as a CNA (which would probably be a benefit), but just want you to be ...
  7. Nursing is "unreliable employment?" I'm in a similar situation: Age, wanting to go back to school, management in a fortune 50 company. I have an income that is higher than what I'll expect to make coming out of school. However, in the corporate wo...
  8. Brenau ABSN Spring 2019

    Thanks for the quick response. Yeah, I have a Bachelors, so the ABSN at Brenau sounds good to me. Of course, after reading some comments here, I'm not so sure. Chattahoochee Tech is my first choice due to the cost and the fact that they'll accept ...
  9. Brenau ABSN Spring 2019

    How did you not have the proper prereqs for other schools, while having them for Emory? That seems odd. Also, Brenau seems tempting with their 16-month ABSN, but I think it's an M-F 9-5 type of deal. If you are in a situation that required you to ...
  10. Portage learning

    Wow, thanks for the feedback. Can you rewatch the video lessons if you miss something? I assume nothing is live since it's an "at your own pace" course. I'd prefer in person, but it's hard to squeeze in a lot of classes being a little older and ne...
  11. Portage learning

    Interesting thread. I'm considering this, but I'm waiting to hear back from a few admissions departments first. The courses (A&P/ Micro) show up on the "course equivalency" link on one of the school's sites, but I need to be 100% sure. Of cour...
  12. I haven't done it, but it sounds like a bad idea and something you'd tire of quickly. If you had family there and could stay there for days at a time...maybe, but 6-8 hours of daily driving? Not me. 6 is with no traffic from the south side of Atla...
  13. Does anyone have feedback on using Portage for prereqs around Atlanta? Were they accepted/denied? Edit: I'm referring to the lab sciences here like both A&P courses. I'm sure something without a lab would go through fine. Specifically, I'm lo...
  14. Seeking Advice RN to BSN programs

    From my perspective, the accelerated programs don't really look that accelerated. For example, I have a Bachelors degree in another field and have some nursing prereqs knocked out. My well respected local state school has an ABSN program, but it re...
  15. Second career LPN

    I know this is an old topic, but there are a lot of options to wade through for those of us looking to pursue nursing as a second career. I have a Business Marketing degree and an MBA. It's not rewarding and has run its course. However, the desire ...