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All Content by jlmcgrot


    I don't think it is that simple. My school offers their own "on-line" lab sciences and still gave grief over portage. To be clear, the transcript says Portage on it enough to let them know "this transcript is a little different". Just because ever...

    1 is too many unless you have a guarantee they'll be accepted.
  3. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    I think critical thinking is by invite once you've met the other qualifications. Is that your overall GPA, or the Pre-req GPA?
  4. Portage learning

    Yeah, but just about every class is online right now, regardless of where you take it.
  5. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Who knows with the covid-19 situation. Before, it was going to be the first week of June. Should admit at least 60, but they mentioned in the info session that they would like to admit up to 80 depending on if more staff is hired.
  6. Am I a coward for going on FMLA due to COVID?

    This is a good point.
  7. Am I a coward for going on FMLA due to COVID?

    I wonder if people hold the same opinions for other lines of work? What did you feel about the Parkland officer that didn't attempt to stop the school shooting? I bet he didn't sign up for that. I'm not even saying right or wrong one way or the ot...
  8. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Today is the day...the deadline anyway. Good luck everyone. The world sure looks different today than what we thought it would look like when we planned this journey, and it's a tricky time to be entering healthcare for sure. Here's to hoping that...
  9. TEAS and HESI

    It's similar to test B (or both really). I thought the science was slightly more difficult on the actual test, but there are also questions that don't count that are thrown in to gauge for future use, so who knows?
  10. TEAS and HESI

    Long story short there is to do practice problems. I also used the practice tests as somewhat of a study guide, so I read over them occasionally. Unfortunately, once you finish test A & B, you can review them.
  11. TEAS and HESI

    I'm not sure how many hours. I ordered the test on 1/19 and tood the test on 2/28. It probably took me a couple of weeks to really start studying (due to A&P 2 ), but I just mainly did the practice tests from the mometrix book and brushed up on...
  12. TEAS and HESI

    The good news is that studying for your anatomy class IS studying, since the most difficult subject on the TEAS is science, and most of that is A&P. I bought the Mometrix book, and the study package that includes test A & B. The mometrix boo...
  13. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Yeah, they look at your individual scores from each section. I think that the old sheet floating around only shows math and science, but who knows. They say all sections now. They look at the overall GPA from the core classes required for admissio...
  14. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Well, I went to school a LONG time ago, so some of the classes aren't where I would want, especially since they're the EASY ones. A's in the sciences, Psych, Soc,*** B's in humanities and math (higher level than college alg). TEAS - 84.7 had AP En...
  15. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Georgia Highlands in Rome. They require you have a CNA license.
  16. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    I applied to Chatt Tech and GHC. If those don't work (I think they will), I'll look at Dalton or the ABSN at Kennesaw State. There are still a couple of more sessions if you change your mind. It definitely looks very competitive though, so inactivi...
  17. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Did you go to the info/application session? There were quite a few people in mine. Probably close to 100, and there were 5 total sessions.
  18. Why do so many cheerleaders enter nursing?

    I assume the original poster was talking about their looks and not if they were actual cheerleaders. Like, "why do all the cute girls that all the boys like become nurses"... I could be wrong.
  19. Should I go through with nursing?

    Because they don't have fun either! sorry, couldn't resist.

    Last thing and I'll stop blowing up this thread. Above the class on the transcript it says "Portage Learning division" and this is at the bottom, so there's no hiding it: This document is being furnished at the request of the student as verification...

    Last I looked (and from what an admissions advisor told me), Mercer only accepts some of their classes. None of their lab classes. If you have different information, that's cool. This was sent to me from mercer:

    Yep, and I'm not saying a school Duke University won't accept it. I'm getting pushback from community colleges and tech school ADN programs. Ironically, some of them would probably accept the University of Phoenix, which is probably worse.

    I did use Geneva. I didn’t say anything about Portage, however, the transcript does have a line that mentions portage which calls it into question.

    I would reconsider Portage, unless you know people have already gotten in with it. Buyer Beware. The school that told me they would accept it are now having second thoughts.
  25. Chattahoochee Tech

    Did you get in? I believe CTC is highly competitive.