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All Content by jlmcgrot

  1. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Didn't you say DSC previously? Good Luck! Yeah, if I was already started I would stick it out just to get done quicker. Depending on where you're driving from, DSC is all interstate too.
  2. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Also found these in the FAQ: https://sites.highlands.edu/nursing/wp-content/uploads/sites/48/2020/06/Typical-Class-Week.pdf What campus are the nursing classes taught on? What about clinical sites? The nursing classes are taught at the James D. Maddo...
  3. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    It's in Rome, but not on the main campus. https://www.highlands.edu/campus-locations/heritage-hall/ Not really sure how many days a week yet, but would bank on 3 or 4 (at least). Schedules for nursing don't follow traditional schedules where you're...
  4. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    I talked to Mercer too, but the first thing they wanted to talk about were student loans and "do you know your credit score". They know it's expensive. I wasn't really a fan of that. I think the ABSN was over 60K.
  5. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Wilting works, haha. Were you trying for the ABSN at KSU or the traditional? Have you taken any classes at GHC? I was considering their ABSN, but decided to go the GHC route. I also applied to Chatt Tech, but it looks like it's going to be really l...
  6. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Interesting...Looks like they decided to cut the remaining info sessions and decided that 5/18 was the last day. They did have additional sessions scheduled for the 6/3 and 6/10.
  7. Georgia Highlands ADN Nursing TRAD Fall 2019

    For any that got in and have a sec to answer a quick question, what is the grading scale for nursing? Is 70 a "C"? The info session mentioned you needed to maintain a C, but I heard that the scale might be different.
  8. WGU RN to BSN 2020

    I've done a lot of research on WGU, but I'm still not 100% sure on what the main draw. Does everyone go in with pipe dreams of finishing in 6 months? Once you go beyond 6 months, you can probably find a local state school that is just as cheap. Ar...
  9. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Do you use any outside resources like picmonic or nursing.com? If you can share, what books do we use in the program?
  10. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Just a lot of waiting from here... Even after finding out, there's still another 2 months before starting!
  11. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    If one of those is A&P 1, I would say no. Summer semester will likely end after they have made selections or really close to it. It's not likely they would get the transcript in time. I'll use Highlands as an example. Summer ends 7/28, maybe ...
  12. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Speaking of the critical thinking exam, it was supposed to be in May. now it's pushed back to late July. There will be some last-minute scrambling to determine who is in. I wish they were taking ALL the grades since my only B is in A&P 1. I a...

    It's not a problem at all. You can print the information, and there is less "fluff" than you would get in a normal text. It focuses on the important info that you need, and the required chapter questions are very similar to test questions, though n...
  14. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Yeah, I spoke to an adviser. I can't say I agree with the decision. Imagine if you made As in every science but a B in A&P I. Others have an A in A&P 1 and a C in micro and B in A&P 2. That doesn't seem fair, though they say it is bei...
  15. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    I would say that it's too late for this year. They've added some virtual sessions for application (originally supposed to end the first week of April), so you can try. It doesn't cost to apply. I would guess that they would have made most of their...
  16. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    CONGRATS on getting in! When does it start? I know they have their Spring deadline coming up and it was a backup, but I don't think I'm going to need it (fingers crossed).
  17. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    I just looked. It looks like they've only removed points for micro and A&P II. Everything else is still there, including TEAS and Crit Thinking. Sucks because I have an A in both those classes.
  18. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Not necessarily. This means there will be a lot more applicants that could be considered qualified. For example, the critical thinking could have weeded people out, that are now in the pool. (I'm not sure that has changed, just saying).
  19. Chattahoochee Technical College ADN program 2020

    Where has this been communicated? I talked to an adviser last week via email, and no changes were mentioned. Are you saying that even if you are done with micro and A&P 2, that won't be taken into consideration? TEAS?? And don't assume everyo...
  20. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Awesome information! Hopefully, the covid stuff gets figured out because I am not looking forward to zoom classes and virtual clinicals! haha. I think CTC is the only school I've looked at that goes through Summer. Same amount of time, technicall...
  21. Chattahoochee Tech LPN Spring 2019

    It can't hurt. If they have enough qualified that have taken the TEAS, then I wouldn't want to be someone trying to get in without it. I spoke to an ADN adviser last week, and she didn't mention it, so maybe this is just for LPN. TEAS locations ar...
  22. Chattahoochee Tech LPN Spring 2019

    Are you sure it's being waived? The site still says the deadline has been moved to June 30th. https://www.chattahoocheetech.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Health-Sciences-Extended-fall-2020-Deadlines_Coronavirus-1.pdf
  23. Georgia Highlands TRAD Fall 2020

    Thanks! Do you recommend taking nurs1000 prior to admission (this Summer) or is it light enough to take with other nursing classes? I'm also considering a BSN elective (Ethics in Healthcare), but part of me is thinking I should enjoy that Summer bre...

    Yep. This was my point. I followed all the right steps. Emailed them the syllabus, the accreditation link, etc... They said "we'll accept them" until they actually got the transcript...It took a month past the normal time with me going back and fo...

    I did this, had approved, and still had push-back. I eventually got it thru because I still had the email stating they would accept it. I'm just saying things happen. People really try to push this as Geneva, but the transcript does have portage on...