
Jadoreee21 ADN, RN

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About Jadoreee21

Jadoreee21 has 6 years experience as a ADN, RN.

Latest Activity

  1. Medical City February 2021 Nurse Residency

    I got an offer in Women’s. Congrats to you, I heard that your floor is a great
  2. Medical City February 2021 Nurse Residency

    I got an offer at Alliance; what floor, if you don’t mind me
  3. Medical City February 2021 Nurse Residency

    They do! If I’m not mistaken shift differential ranges up to $4 for nights, and maybe $6 on the weekends. It’ll be after internship. Internship should last anywhere from 10-16 weeks depending on...
  4. JPS July 2020 Residency

    Do you mind telling me when you heard from them? I still haven’t gotten a rejection or a callback. I talked to someone that told me she didn’t get an offer until August. I emailed them asking...
  5. JPS July 2020 Residency

    I still haven’t heard anything. Not even a rejection
  6. WGU Prelicensure Dallas

    I'm terribly late! I did get in with these scores, but could not accept the offer because I didn't want to start the program from the beginning. I transferred into a school that accepted my nursing...
  7. WGU Prelicensure Dallas

    I am also hoping to enter for the June cohort, I have to write my letter of intent, and get my TEAS sent in. I made a 73.7 on my TEAS, and I have a 3.0 GPA. However, I have two previous degrees and I...
  8. TCU BSN Fall 2019

    Got my email
  9. TCU BSN Fall 2019

    I hope that we get in too! As soon as I find something out, I will
  10. TCU BSN Fall 2019

    I haven’t. I’ve been checking my email every
  11. TCU BSN Fall 2019

    Wow congrats!!! So happy for you!!!! I’m hoping to get mine soon!! Did you get an email or did you get it in the
  12. TCU BSN Fall 2019

    Same here, haven't heard anything. I also went through an issue with NursingCAS once they verified my GPA. Hopefully all is still well. I heard that we can possibly expect to hear something around the...
  13. TCU BSN Fall 2019

    I've applied to UTA, WGU, WCU, Texas A&M Commerce (I'm willing to drive), and to the ABSN program they offer at Concordia University. I haven't applied to any of the ASN programs, just because...
  14. TCU BSN Fall 2019

    I too have been searching for past forums. I’m moving from Alabama, so I’m nervous that I won’t get selected due to my living out of state for now. I applied to the Traditional BSN program, but...