VM85 you did not offend me and I hope I didn't sound as though you did. No my friend is not very active in the church. She does attend on most of the Sundays she is not working and she is in the...
I should have been more clear to start. A friend from church is an LPN on this unit and I asked if they had any part time positions. I explained to her that I was only interested in part time. She...
Sorry in advance for being so long but Im freaking out. After my earlier thread "Lost, Afraid...." I finally had the courage to apply for a position at the local hospital. I have an interview...
Thank you so much to everyone. You have all been a major source of encouragement. I just printed an application for the hospital near me and I spoke with a friend who works there this wk end and...
"The other new nurses (who only have about 2 weeks of experience on me), seem so confident and do the job with ease, while I feel like I'm struggling just to get all my meds passed in a timely manner!...
Where I was working there was only 1 RN on each shift. While I was in orientation my preceptor told me that because she was the only RN (I didn't count due to orientation) she could go to caf and get...
Over the past few wks I have spent a lot of time on this site reading all kinds of posts from new grads that are afraid, feel like they didn't learn anything in school or have forgotten every thing...
Sounds great! I live in a rural community and though the local hospital is a little lager than what you describe the perks are not as good. I wish you the best of luck in your new
You described almost exactly how I felt/feel. I graduated in May '08 went to work in Sept '08 and felt like an idiot. Take everything you described and add to that not remembering alot of...
Thank you Celia214 for your prayers. I hope you enjoy Psych and hopefully you will find exactly what you are looking for. Lucky for me my husband makes enough to keep us afloat so I don't have to...
I am generally very shy and quiet. Don't trust my own judgement in most nursing situations either so I know what it is like to feel intimidated. I am trying to work on my self confidence and my...
In nursing just like every other field there are people who are good and people who are not good at what they do. In nursing some are great with the technical aspects and the knowledge but not so...
No it doesn't mean you failed. I took mine last year in June in VA. I don't remember what day of the wk or anything (I posted on here though so you could find out). Anyway I just knew I had failed...
Jen the RN2009 thank you for your response, kindness and compassion are things we can give for free yet we often have such a difficult time giving it to others. Crazy! Leslie :-D thank you also for...
Never said I didn't have the ability to get angry or to express it on occassion. However that was not anger. Simply stating facts so there is no misinterpretation. As far as this having been...