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All Content by pm178

  1. Gayle Greve Hunt School of Nursing Fall 2019

    Hello everybody, I was also accepted. I am excited to meet all of you and become nurses together!!!
  2. UTMB FALL 2019

    I called and asked what is a competitive GPA and Teas Score and they told me a 3.30 and 75+ on each section of the Teas is competitive. Hope this is helpful, best of luck!
  3. UTMB FALL 2019

    Hello I submitted my application on Jan 15th early morning, however I have yet to receive my supplemental application. Should I be worried?
  4. TWU Nursing Applicants - Fall 2019

    Hi everybody, I am interested in applying to TWU however i am so confused on how to calculate my GPA using their spreadsheet. Is the total admission score adding up your nursing core and pre req gpa???