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All Content by PinkFloyd

  1. Studies have shown quietly playing appropriate music enhances mood and appetite in the elderly. This is typically incorporated into the dining programs in dementia units and many other nursing homes.
  2. My Instructor Used To Be My Nurse

    Hold on to this, use it for a homework assignment later on in your course work after you are out from under that particular instructor. It perfectly illustrates how difficult is is for nurses to separate their prejudices from their patients.
  3. Absolutely inappropriate-We are all guests in the homes of our residents. Is this the type of music the residents enjoy? Do you have a large number of residents with dementia?? This is a teachable moment. Teach them how music effects people, how deme...
  4. Farewell Esme - In Loving Memory

    Always kind and thoughtful. One of the dwindling “ old guard” on here who believed in lifting each other up instead of pushing each other down. Peace to her family