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All Content by Nurse_2022

  1. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    You didn't receive an email at all? Did the email you got state your application had moved on to the second step? And did you receive any email after that? I would call the campus to talk to someone or email the MEC counselor.
  2. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    I feel the same! Nursing can be so stressful so we need all the support we can get so I really appreciate this. I didn't even sleep last night because I was stressing over it LOL I kept thinking what if they kick me out of the program. But yeah glad ...
  3. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it! I am going to start on the clinical requirements as soon as possible but I was confused whether we had to do them before semester started in January. I mean do we h...
  4. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    So which test are we doing? I am kind of lost. ? Also, where it states clinical requirements, do we also need to complete that now?
  5. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Hey, I received a confirmation an hour ago. Check your email.
  6. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Congratulations! I am really happy for you. I am glad you didn't give up. Good luck to you! Not yet. They mentioned that it might take 3 days to receive an email back. And if you don't receive after 3 days, then you have to email them again.
  7. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Thanks! yeah, I meant for the co-enrollment seminar since I also accepted my offer to Nova. I was able to find the link and sign up for it. Thanks!
  8. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Hey! first of all, congratulations! I also got accepted so I am really excited. I was wondering about the dual enrollment pathway as well. Do you mind providing the link for the seminar that's on the 12th? Thank you! Yes please, in case I am ...
  9. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Same. I don't think they have it scheduled yet. As for castlebranch, open the acceptance letter they sent you and scroll down. There is a link there along with the code. It will take you directly to the website.
  10. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    This is what they have mentioned in the brochure: Selection Criteria: Applicants are ranked by the final grades in BIO 141 and PSY 230, TEAS scores, and completion and final grades of the general education courses at time of application (BIO 142...
  11. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    they never really mentioned what they used to rank students. I mean there were applicants with As in both psy230 and bio141 who got rejected. So that's not the only thing they are using to rank the applicants. I retook the class for my peace of mind ...
  12. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    I was also aware of this, but I still retook bio 142 that I had a C to get an A. I am not sure if it made a difference but I retook it anyway to increase my overall GPA. I didn't want to wonder again if I should have retaken the class if I had gotten...
  13. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Don't give up. Complete all your co-reqs. thats what will set you apart from the others. It will raise your ranking. So finish the fourth one and then apply again.
  14. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    I recommend omar saab. He is very flexible and also straightforward. I really liked his class and I thought he was one of the best professor at nvcc.
  15. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Also, I was really, really depressed. I felt disappointed myself and I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. It was very hard to deal with it. I felt like a complete failure. But I knew if I gave up now, there was no way I would be able to achieve my ...
  16. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

  17. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    Congratulations to everyone that got in! And If you haven't received your acceptance letter, please don't give up! Keep trying and improve your grades if you have to because it does make a difference. Good luck to everyone!
  18. Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Spring 2021

    I second this. I also retook my class that I had a B in to get an A. It does make a difference. So retake the class to get an A and don't give up. I decided to retake the class this Summer and this was my third time applying. So keep trying and don't...
  19. NVCC Fall 2020

    For those of you who took bio 150, what do you recommend in preparation for the class? I am taking the class starting next week. I was wondering what I need to prepare ahead or to keep in mind before the start of the class. Thanks in advance!
  20. NVCC Fall 2020

    I just got my rejection letter. This was my third time applying. I feel so down. I have only one co-req left so I guess I will take that and hopefully the testing centers open so I can retake the TEAS to improve my scores even more. I will just keep ...
  21. NVCC Fall 2020

    Here is what you can take: four corequisites: BIO 142 BIO 150 Humanities elective ( CST Elective (CST 229, 110, 115 or 126)
  22. NVCC Fall 2020

    Hi, do you mind telling me the number of applicants accepted the year you applied? Just curious. I'm kind of upset they waived the TEAS just because my GPA is not bad but the TEAS would have helped a lot in my ranking. This is my third time applying....
  23. NVCC Fall 2020

    What other places can we take the TEAS at? Thank you.
  24. NVCC Fall 2020

    Can we still go and take the TEAS at the testing center ? The email said students should not return to campus until notified. But I want to know if the testing center will remain open.
  25. NVCC Fall 2020

    Okay,I will retake BIO 141 and take BIO 150. What other co-reqs can we take? Thank you for answering my questions.