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All Content by JKirbs

  1. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    I received my acceptance letter today!! Good luck to everyone waiting and do not give up hope!!! I submitted my application in Dec so sometimes it takes a LONG time but the wait is worth it! Looking forward to meeting everyone at the Augusta campus!
  2. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    I checked mine today after writing no update for me and I have a background check and email address now!!!!!! Hoping it means I am in!!!
  3. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    I haven't heard anything yet Still waitlisted.
  4. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Well, I wish you luck! I applied to the Augusta campus. Keep us updated if you get any updates! ?
  5. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Still no update for me. I have no idea how many spots are left or how many are on the waitlist. What campus did you apply for and when was your application submitted?
  6. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    I was hoping it was because of waiting on both for me, pending degree and prereqs but I could be totally wrong. Just hoping I end up with a spot. ? Congratulations on being accepted.
  7. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    I just graduated with my Bachelors last week so I am waiting on the transcript to post to send to them and I am taking my last two prerequisites as well. I am hoping that is why we are waitlisted ? I did reach out and she just said send everything o...
  8. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Any update for you? Are you waiting on finishing anything like prerequisites?
  9. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Ahhh me too!!! What are you going to ask? I was going to email or call (I always get Nori, never Emily) and ask if there are any statistics on the chance. Let me know so we both aren’t bugging lol
  10. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    I received my letter today and was waitlisted. I REALLY hope I end up getting a spot! Fingers crossed!!!!
  11. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Thank you, I needed to hear that!! I am hoping and praying it is a yes! I have wanted this since I was a child but being a military wife we move too often for me to do a BSN.
  12. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Keep YOUR head up! lol If they are still processing it, that means its not a no. I wish everyone luck in the program and hope next year is my year! ?
  13. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Mine changed today too and I don't have an email or background check I am not taking this as a good sign so I guess there is always next year.
  14. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    How are you guys contacting Emily? When I call or email I talk to Nori. I used to talk to Emily but now it’s always Nori.
  15. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Submitted mine 12/10, under review 12/12, told 1/16 that a decision was made, called 2/19 for an update and was called back and told that they were missing a transcript on the school end but that NursingCAS had it (that was the hold up) so I resubmit...
  16. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Can I ask how you know the letter was sent to admissions? Is this the decision?
  17. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Nothing for me. It’s been 10 weeks since I was told a decision was made and 14 since I applied. I was told I would get an email when I can expect something in the mail within two weeks. My status still says incomplete as well.
  18. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Mine still says incomplete and I have been working with them because apparently a transcript didn’t get crossed over from NursingCAS to them. I am hoping that’s a good sign but I submitted my application dec 12th and was told a decision was made bac...
  19. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Here is the site we are all referring to. It is through the school. https://webapps.augusta.edu/pls/apex/f?p=161:LOGIN:
  20. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    No that is what I am so worried about is it hasn't changed. They were just sent yesterday though because she called me Tuesday to tell me about it so I am taking it all as a good sign and hope I am right! It got my hopes up that is for sure lol
  21. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    AHHHH that's so exciting!!!!! Congratulations!! It turns out they couldn't or didn't get one of my transcripts so I had to resend directly to the school but she said a decision was made before telling me about the transcripts so I am hoping that is ...
  22. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Has anyone gotten any updates? I was told I would get something in the mail by tomorrow and if not to call but my status still says incomplete. ??‍♀️ I know they are behind. How did those waitlisted head about being on the waitlist? Email or mail? Al...
  23. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Same ? Hope we both get a yes!!!!
  24. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    I forgot to ask which campus you applied for?
  25. Augusta Univ-MSN/CNL- Fall 2019 Entry

    Good luck!!! Hoping we both got in!!!