

ED, ICU, Prehospital

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All Content by HomeBound

  1. Tentative offer

  2. Tentative Offer for RN position

  3. Tentative Offer for RN position

    6 minutes ago by HomeBound HomeBound has 20 years experience. 402 Likes; 1 Follower; 884 Visitors; 171 Posts I disagree. You can "negotiate" prior to your grade and step assignment, before you sign the firm offer letter. You put together your portf...
  4. Tentative offer

    I disagree. You can "negotiate" prior to your grade and step assignment, before you sign the firm offer letter. You put together your portfolio as well as your professional biography--and attach every single piece of correlating documentation that ...
  5. St joseph hospital new hire skills test

    Which st. Joes? What unit? New grad? These answers will determine what advice you get here. As far ss whether or not the offer is rescinded...the only one that can answer that is HR/unit educator of your hospital. A new grad med and ekg exam is diffe...
  6. Reasons nurses get fired

    Aaaaaaand........this is why unions are necessary. People can keep complaining but no one is going to take your complaints seriously if you continue to vote against your own best interests. I will never, ever go back to working in a non union shop. U...
  7. New grad nurse needs help giving report

    Get a brain sheet. I don't know your caseload but mine was typically 4-5 in the ER. Pick one off the net that is specific to ER. They usually go by systems not SBAR. SBAR is great when you're a little more confident. MOI. Neuro, cardiac, gi, gu, inte...
  8. Reasons nurses get fired

    Yes. Sorry about that. I reread my comment and said to myself....at will state dimbo. I've worked most of my career in at will states and I won't willingly go back. I like having my union dues go to the one thing that is worth it....making the lives ...
  9. JKL---I was ER for many years. There ain't no "infighting" or "mad at the ER" from me. I was where you are. I transferred to ICU---and I attempt to be a "bridge" between the old ICU vs. ER attitude problems. I also tried to be a "bridge" between EMS ...
  10. Really? I worked ER for many years. I've seen how ER charts--and I know that in EPIC--the charting system is different for ER vs. ICU. Yeah. Right. The patient is literally so critical that 5 minutes from the ER is going to kill them on the spot. t...
  11. Reasons nurses get fired

    I'm really sorry you were terminated from your position. It's never a good feeling---and you always blame or question yourself, whether you "did harm" or "did something illegal" or not. In "Right to Work" states, and pretty much any other employment ...
  12. The ICU is a different beast. If this pt meets the criteria for that level of care, certain things have to be in place before a pt can be safely transferred. The least of which---is the RN that is assigned this pt even available to drop what he/she i...
  13. Sen. Maureen Walsh Response to Backlash

    She's a bought and paid for hatchet man. Her education? AA in "commercial art" and she owns a restaurant. https://votesmart.org/candidate/biography/51330/maureen-walsh Education AA, Commercial Art, University of Cincinnati, 1983 Professional Experien...
  14. Hmmmm. What an a$$backwards way to make a point. That being said however---I read a study that I am just too lazy to find right now, that showed that hospitals that offer a choice of 8, 10 or 12 hour shifts for fulltime and part time nurses--had a ha...
  15. Being bullied at work

    Yes. It may be a direct threat or an indirect intimidation tactic, and, it can be "pleasant" or "unpleasant". I've experienced both. The group that applies pressure for you to "belong" and if you don't accept invitations to breakfast after night shi...
  16. Thank you Nurse Beth, for the clarification. There is another clarification that attaches to "Right to Work" and "Forced Unionism" states. The Janus Decision. "The Supreme Court's recent Janus v. AFSCME decision, which gave public service employees t...
  17. Can I get Fired?

    "I guess it boils down to if they like you or not". Bingo. A guy in my former ED started an IV on himself because he was ill--I am not sure what the hell he thought an IV would do for him---although we didn't see it until he came out from the room th...
  18. What Does #MeToo Really Mean?

    So tell me--because we are going to have to agree to disagree on this otherwise--- What exactly is "empowering" about a woman or a man showing publishing every inch of their privates for ANYONE WITH AN INTERNET CONNECTION OR A CELLPHONE to access? W...
  19. What Does #MeToo Really Mean?

    There's a reason it's a crime to yell "fire" in a crowded theater. Nobody said "be ashamed of your body". Never. Not once. Decorum. Look it up. There's a time and place. Absolutely. I threw anybody in the bin that made their bad judgement public. You...
  20. What Does #MeToo Really Mean?

    You misunderstood. That's not what I said, nor what I meant. My co-worker was the one who blatantly said that this clerk "deserved" to be judged and also to have been sexually assaulted, because of her dressing style. I did not, even once, say that w...
  21. What Does #MeToo Really Mean?

    I'm not blaming, if you interpreted my statement(s) reiterating--- WHAT ARE MEN AND WOMEN SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE when others put themselves out there "entirely nude shots on <their> instagram and snapchats". You don't get to have it both ways, hon...
  22. Write Up's and Potential Termination for Pain Reassessments

    At a place I worked, we were dinged for not assessing the effectiveness of miralax. You had 4 hours in order to do this. If the patient didn't defecate in those 4 hours, you must chart that the intervention was "ineffective". Well....what if my pati...
  23. What Does #MeToo Really Mean?

    This is a great topic, SafetyNurse. I appreciate your thorough research and some light shed on how it effects us as nurses. However. (isn't there always a caveat?) I was discussing the decline of the attitudes in the "younger set"-and it includes you...
  24. Doesn't matter which model, both of them do one thing---bill to get paid. Yes, a certain amount of care has to be provided at reduced rates or free--in order to qualify for government subsidies--but these corporate entities, even the "non-profit" hos...
  25. Another Tragedy at Vanderbilt

    From The Tennessean: "Both of those errors were deadly (*referencing the vecuronium incident vs. the kidney stent incident), but they still don't carry the notorious reputation of a "wrong-site surgery," which are among the rarest mistakes in modern...