Psych BSN, RN

Psych BSN, RN

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All Content by Psych BSN, RN

  1. PMHNP at Anderson University

    Hello! Does anyone have any experience with Anderson University in South Carolina? They are fairly new to PMHNP (2015 or 2016) and I am unable to find anyone that has or is attending the program. I've been accepted into Maryville University (all onli...
  2. Choking Hazard

    I seriously laughed out loud when I got to the spacebar comment! I got some weird looks and now the psych patients think I'm responding to internal stimuli! OOPS.
  3. Choking Hazard

    On second thought, just shut the hospital down.
  4. Choking Hazard

    We once had a patient choke on eggs and actually die. Darn those dysphagia diets! Should we ban food? And what about another patient that removed the fentanyl patch and ate it? We should definitely ban medical patches, too.
  5. It wasn't funny

    Seriously?! It's a hospital not a carnival. People have no idea what our day was like. Like you said...It wasn't funny...or appropriate. Sorry you had a rough ending to an already rough day. The next promotion has your name on it! :)