
1nurse4job ADN

Hi I am a Nurse

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About 1nurse4job

Hi everyone I am a Texas Nurse

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  1. I'm on tpapn please help me!!!!!

    I honestly think I just go lucky so I’m not suprised I have a revoke.... I’m trying to work on interpersonal
  2. I'm on tpapn please help me!!!!!

    The best ones fall the hardest.... I’m for working with all of them in a health
  3. I'm on tpapn please help me!!!!!

    I’m just trying to work in records to relearn a lot of it... I think about the cna
  4. I'm on tpapn please help me!!!!!

    You could take blood pressure and now they have painless blood with finger sticks all those machines do all of it for many
  5. I'm on tpapn please help me!!!!!

    No they will ... it’s just a lot of things to learn.... I have not even got to read anything in nursing for ten years and I’m sure they will not work with me so much either..... I could re learn...
  6. A Chance

    I’m very sorry about a lot of this with me on here I suffered a traumatic psychological breakdown and accused people and family members of horrible things I know they did not do... they were the...
  7. A Chance

    Ok i will I also have never really even got to use the career assistance graduates at the schools.... I’m very thankful
  8. A Chance

    I have also decided to reach out for information with hospice regulations . I am not going to argue with not being told I am not good enough or not enough
  9. A Chance

    I never really got much of a chance in nursing in Texas. I also have started a paralegal study and looking at online JD programs and even previously been accepted into a university in London England....
  10. pregnant in monitoring?

    My mental health counselor and pregnant and still working. I assume there would be no problem. Do you get paid for the
  11. Finally off orientation!

    Honestly that’s doing a terrific job! Way 2
  12. TPAPN time limit

    Tpapn is keeping the cases that are reinstated and due to be in Tpapn. I will not be revoked. I am reinstated and fit to
  13. TPAPN time limit

    I was reinstated in Texas in 2017 and was told by my board investigator there was no time limit on returning into practice. However today in 2019 I received a letter from TPAPN that a 90 day time...

  15. Tpapn

    I submitted my resume to a few places in Dallas Texas and I received my first call back. I included about tpapn on the resume and an extensive