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  1. local school does majority (not all) of exams as group tests. the students break up into groups and the members of the groups work together on the test. if this isn't common in nursing school, i don't...
  2. Respiratory Therapist VS Nursing

    Regarding the 2 previous posts: How does experience as an RT make one a better
  3. Triage sucks!!! Any tips??

    Different strokes for different folks I guess. When I was an EMT student doing my hospital rotation, I spent most of my day with the triage nurse. I thought the fast pace of things was pretty cool. I...
  4. EL MSN in CA?

    UCSF, UCLA, Cal State LA, Western. Cal State Long Beach has one but the horror stories of dealing with their secretary turned out true to life for me. Save yourself a headache and avoid them. Good...
  5. OMG this reminds me of last night when I bought a can of Pringles and when I sat down to eat them, turns out the package had already been opened and like 1/4 of the pringles were missing. ***??? I...
  6. Oh yeah I can totally relate. I have a Bachelor's in an unrelated field and nearly finished a minor in psychology before I decided it wasn't worthwhile. The point is I have many social science classes...
  7. Say for example I know which hospital I want to work in or which type of hospital (size, demographics, etc). Would I have an advantage over other new grads if my program did clinicals at that...
  8. in what way is county
  9. i read that other thread the yesterday and omg... some high and mighty e-msn student basically bashed adns for 5 pages, and also insulted the bedside nursing profession (i see the post is now deleted...
  10. accelerated bs to bsn in california

    also cal state la. i think azusa has one. maybe western in pomona too. csu long beach - yeah they have one. but i would never consider going there. their secretary or whoever the person they have...
  11. Acclerated BSN programs in CA

    anyone have experience with mount st mary's (msmc) accelerated
  12. new grad psych positions

    i am a student considering psych nursing. how does the pay compare to other areas of nursing such as med-surg, er, icu,
  13. So..You're going to be a MALE nurse?

    Good one. I may use that. Although "male nurse" doesnt bother
  14. RN, Orthopedics, and me

    We might have similar interests. What is
  15. Study group?

    study groups are a waste of time for me. like you guys, i learn better on my own. this is definitely a gender thing. girls tend to meet in groups for just about everything, esp. for dealing with...