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All Content by M.A.P

  1. Sharp New Grad Program Summer 2019

    I’m sorry to hear that! Do you mind me asking which ED you applied to? I applied to ED as well, at Grossmont.
  2. CHLA 2019 RN Residency Program

    Hi guys! I applied to the ED!
  3. Sharp New Grad Program Summer 2019

    Hi everyone! Second time applying, last time I hadn’t graduated/taken NCLEX yet. Previously, my status never changed from submission complete, or something like that. This time it said “under consideration” right after I applied. Got the self identif...
  4. Rady Children's New Grad RN Residency Summer 2019

    Hi ya’ll! Graduated in December and got my license earlier this month. Applied to ED first choice and Urgent Care second!
  5. Sharp New Grad Residency Spring 2019

    @greenandgold Congratulations!! That's such great news! I wonder if today will be the only day they'll contact for ED interviews since HR will be on vacation. Did she mention anything about that?
  6. Sharp New Grad Residency Spring 2019

    Got an email to self identify today. Anyone else who applied to ED first choice get one? Wondering if it's a step in the right direction or just part of the process for everyone.
  7. Sharp New Grad Residency Spring 2019

    I also heard that- some people getting an email stating that they have moved on with other candidates BUT the job posting number in the email did not match to the job posting they applied for. I got the same email the next day after I applied and it ...
  8. Sharp New Grad Residency Spring 2019

    Did anyone who applied for ED first choice get the email to self-identify? Or just labor and delivery so far?
  9. Scripps New Grad Program Jan/March 2019

    Hi Everyone! Glad we could all find each other. Mine still says "submission received" as well.
  10. Scripps New Grad Program Jan/March 2019

    Did you complete personally assessment? I read in previous threads that some people got them right after sumbmitting the app. I did not receive one so I wonder if that means anything.