That makes sense. I just read from a previous forum that we could recieve a call up until the first day of class. That gives us alot of hope. Which program are you hoping to hear back from
Yes, same thing I was thinking. How are they going to communicate with us if a space opens, I doubt that they'll be in the office. Are we supposed to attend the orientation too? What is the exact...
I went to the North campus today and was told that the Central campus has extended their deadline and the North may be extending theirs as well. They should know for sure on Wednesday. Does anyone...
If you can remenber, what was your rubric score for them to hvae placed you as an alternate? I am applying for the adn program and am worried about my rubric
Lol rubric score 23 & you're nervous? Since when is a 92.2 HESI average low lol. I'm pretty sure you'll get in. Your stats actually have me nervous now