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  1. If a teacher is stern to all her students from all races, then racism is not involve. But if she is stern to only students of a particular race, what does that tell you ? Let me give you an analogy !...
  2. Are you saying that if a rapist rape you, nothing should be done to the rapist (no charges, no trial in court etc) and you should just move to another place where rapist are not condoned ? I've never...
  3. If you come as a tourist, racism can't really be felt. It is a different matter if you work with them. I am not saying ALL white australians are racist but I have encountered a
  4. I have already provided whatever evidence (that comes from my memories) but it seems that the university is protecting that person. When a rapist rapes a victim, the victim only has her memories of...
  5. I reported to an anti-discriminatory officer in the university . After several months, the officer didn't do anything nor report the outcome to me. It seems that the university is covering up this...
  6. What do you think ? When your clinical teacher overlook your good points and just overemphasize your mistakes, will you pass with flying colors ? What about the clinical teacher reporting lies to the...
  7. I do agree with your observation. When I was studying in canada, I found that most canadian lecturers are friendly and non-racists but it was a truly different experience in australia. I should have...
  8. Yes, I am able to take constructive criticism but in my case it was not. Would you say a clinical teacher who shouts at you several times to put across a point as 'constructive criticism' ? Is this...
  9. The problem is that I reported the unprofessional conduct of my clinical teacher to the university's nursing teaching staff. The teaching staff didn't support me but put up unprofessional arguments...
  10. I faced racial discrimination and bullying while studying nursing in Melbourne, Australia by my clinical teacher and the university staff. It was one of the most horrible experience I have...
  11. Pharmacology book

    How does lehne's book compare to this book (rang) here ?...
  12. Can anybody recommend an authoritive book on pharmacology that is 1. well organised 2. comprehensive 3. easy to understand That is also used in most nursing schools in united states and
  13. Does anyone know what is the difference between the australian version and the american version ? Is it just the spelling difference (american versus british) alone or are the nursing procedures...
  14. Good luck to your new job. Do tell us what problems you face as a male nurse there so that we can be prepared in the future or we can give you advice on how to solve
  15. Thanks for the reply. But if the shortage is so acute, is there any chance of the australian government waiving the 45 years old criteria for permanent residency visa for matured nurses