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  1. Gossip at work

    Thanks for your
  2. Share Your Saying

    "A problem is only an opportunity for a miracle." ~~ Rev. John
  3. Gossip at work

    Please help. I need advice on how to deal with someone that loves to micromanage, nitpick every single action that takes place. I don't think this person is truly happy with themself and tries to...
  4. have you ever lost it at work?

    I have been a nurse 14 yrs. and I still feel overwhelmed at times, and it does get better. Maybe you should work only 8 hr shifts instead of 12. Maybe you need less pts. for
  5. How can we make nursing a more positive profession ??

    coworkers can make a job seem impossible to tolerate day after day. Just this week I had another confrontation with a co-worker. I came home crying. I get sick of all the gossip in the unit. I...
  6. Pay scales in South Carolina for RN

    I forgot to mention Correctional Nursing doesn't pay that good here. It has been since 1995 since I did it, but I was making 27,500/ year , maybe that will
  7. Pay scales in South Carolina for RN

    I live in Upstate SC. I am not sure what RNs in your area with experience would make, but I know nurses with 15 years experience in nephrology nursing that make close to $ 30.00 an hour in the...
  8. I Finally Passed!!!! Whooopieee!!!!

    That is Great!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck on your new
  9. Thanks for the tips. I have been reading about travel assignments and how some nurses didn't get the whole truth, so this helps me know what to look for. I have not did much traveling out of my...
  10. Recommendations....

    Has anybody worked with Quik Travel Staffing? If so, let me know what you think. Thanks in
  11. Sad and need ....

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my note. My brother told me the same thing, that I would find another group of pts. that needed me. I know that is true, and God will take care of my other...
  12. to talk to someone. I quit one of my jobs this week. We have alot of issues at work and I just could not take all the drama any more. I had been there for about 2 years. I am sad because I am going to...
  13. I have the Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing textbook, but I thought about buying another book . I seen the distribution of questions on the NNCC website. The book I am using has a chapter on...
  14. Renal Nurse's salary range

    In 1994 I started out at 13.25 as an RN in dialysis in SC without experience. In 1996 I started at another clinic at 16.00/hr. I work through an agency now making 30.00/hour. I think the nurses...
  15. Permanent and agency job?

    I work for an agency and have for over 2 years and I work at a hospital PRN. I took the job at the hospital to fill up time when the agency didn't have alot of work. I like having these jobs...