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All Content by MateoM

  1. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    Yes the text updates get to be super distracting. The app lets you turn them off from the settings menu.
  2. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    So the will not tell you the cutoff anymore because they said it was discouraging people from applying. I assume it is under 93 since they added the 8 seats. But I could be wrong about the lower end.
  3. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    Yes, I agree we can certainly set up a GroupMe and a Facebook. We can certainly set everything up after orientation. I have also found Slack is great for setting up groups while we are studying. I am super excited to start this journey with you al...
  4. UNLV SON FALL 2018

  5. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    I'll be there on the 19th too!
  6. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    2:16 pm 96.242!!!! so excited
  7. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    My friend just got her call!!!! It begins!
  8. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    So nothing yet. My friend has 98.99 and I have 96.24 so she is golden and I should be good. We are both going crazy.
  9. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    At least this forum is active I have been looking through the others and there were hardly any comments.
  10. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    Am I the only one hitting refresh every 20 min. Absolutely going to go crazy by noon.
  11. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    Probably 9am, I am sure they are fully aware of how many people are pulling out their hair. I hope all of the calls are made today and tomorrow.
  12. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    Good Luck All! Today is the day they should start the phone calls!
  13. UNLV SON FALL 2018

    I am waiting avidly for the call. I hope they start Thursday. I got 96.24 points for admission so I hope it makes the cut.