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All Content by jillybean2296

  1. Simmons ABSN Dix Scholar Fall 2019

    @Nancy Pearlstone Anderson placements can sometimes be unpredictable and far away, but *most* placements for people in our program are Brigham and Womens, MGH, Beth Israel Deaconness, Tufts, Mt. Auburn, Mass Mental Health Center, the VA, Boston Child...
  2. Simmons ABSN Dix Scholar Fall 2019

    cool! well if you wanna find me on facebook my name is Jill Scribner (and it should say that I live in Boston, MA). just fb friend me and message if you have any questions ? it's only june so you probably haven't gotten all the books you need yet... ...
  3. Simmons ABSN Dix Scholar Fall 2019

    Idk if anyone is still checking this thread, but I'm in the year ahead of you all (graduating in December 2019 from the 16-month Simmons ABSN program). I wanted to see if your class had a facebook or something, because when I was entering the program...
  4. Dix scholar accelerated nursing to Simmons Summer 2018

    My name is Jill Scribner on facebook- I am also attending Simmons in the fall for the Fall 2018 ABSN program :) I requested to join the group on facebook!
  5. Simmons College ABSN Fall 2018

    I'm attending the ABSN program for fall 2018 as well :) also extremely excited!! I am supposed to have classes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and was considering working a part-time job on the weekends, probably waitressing since I have experience ...