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About heathercna

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  1. hi i have a ? I am gonna go to school for nursing soon. I have always wanted to work in labor and delivery, maybe one day be a mid wife. MY ? is when you go to school do you pick the certain area that...
  2. Nursing School Entrance Tests

    hi i was thinking about going to orlando tech, for my lpn. they I have to take a Net test to see if I get accepted. What is a NET? And has anyone gone or is going to a 12 month nursing school?...
  3. lpn school in orlando or melbourne

    Nutmeg5575Thank you that website was helpful. I never came across that school when I was searching.I am gonna call them and see what they say. thanks
  4. hi i am moving to florida in the next month or 2. I want to become a lpn. I have a friend in kissimmee an she thought there was a 11 month lpn school. Is there one? and if there is do I need regular...