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RN, Georgia. Wanting to be a CRNA

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  1. UAB interview

    Let me know if you have any questions about MCG. I am curious....why
  2. gpa 3.2

    hey man, its like this.....Is this something that you really want to do? If you answered that emphatically YES, then don't give up. My GPA was not stellar. It was around 3.2 My GRE was 1040. My...
  3. I am in my second week at MCG. So come back to me in a month or so LOL. It is a lot of work. A LOT OF WORK. Phish is on the money with her statement. I agree totally. The super big things are the...
  4. ryan, I have just done the same thing. I had a cardiology and a cardiology three for 10 yrs. I went ahead and went with the Master Cardiology (all black edition). I am very pleased with it. I got it...
  5. How many schools did you apply to?

    i applied to 4 schools, got an interview at 3 of them. I did not go to my 3rd because I got accepted to my second interview. The interviewers at my first school was impressed with the fact that I...
  6. and which one are you leaning forward
  7. Samford Interviews

    Thanks man, I think I might have met you at Samford that tuesday. I was the big guy in the charcoal colored suit......kinda crappy description huh lol Villanova just called me so I have one another...
  8. Samford Interviews

    well, I was so dissapointed tuesday. I got the alternate list. God, I hope UAB accepts some of the people on Samford acceptance list :chuckle I guess it was not a bad start. One down, One more to go....
  9. Samford Interviews

    well, The interview went well. Everyone their was so very nice. I loved Birminham and Samford was so majestic. All the canidates were really nice and it was pleasure to meet them. I am waiting on...
  10. I don't work for emory. I am not sure how they do thier contracts.
  11. I finished up my negotiations today. Thanks to help from this board and well taken advice, I put together a contract that pays for my tuition. I have been affiliated with this group for many years and...
  12. Man shoots himself in the ER

    His wait time was 9 minutes. They were on the way to get him when he shot himself.
  13. Man shoots himself in the ER

    No debriefing done. It was very bad. The family did try to blame the hospital. I felt sorry for my charge and triage. I was with a SICK, SICK patient that I had to accompany EMS on transfer to a...
  14. Man shoots himself in the ER

    This happened to me at work yesterday. WOW what a day! taken from Man shoots himself at ER Victim in critical condition John Oxford MOULTRIE-A 49-year-old man shot himself at...
  15. Hey man, A copy would be great! I appreciate it. Can you fax it to me just put it attention to Daniel Thanks so very