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  1. Important info for Visa Screen Certificate

    does anyone know how long it takes to get the actual certificate once it's been mailed? The guy I talked to at the CGFNS said it is sent by federal express, but I'm not sure that this is correct. I...
  2. High Cost of Getting Ready to Move to US

    thanks for the message...i'm looking forward to the change it's just all the stuff in the meantime...and yes the hospital is reimbursing me for my moving expenses...not sure about the car rental, i'll...
  3. High Cost of Getting Ready to Move to US

    Well I can agree with the crazy costliness of preparing to move to the US. This has been costing me a mint, everything is from $5 to $50 and it adds up quickly. I had some trouble finding an...
  4. Is this true?

    I took the NCLEX on Tuesday. I checked the Ohio nursing website last evening and they have issued me a licence. I am assuming that I have been successful on my exam. Thank the lord, huge sigh of...