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All Content by Ollowayrd

  1. UALR Nursing applicants 2018

    Thanks for clearing things up. í ½í¸€
  2. UALR Nursing applicants 2018

    Thanks for letting me know I appreciate that I hope that UALR. offer a fair program I know that there's a lot of favoritism in the world. .I don't know what methods they use to select the students who' gets in they should let us know. I figure if yo...
  3. UALR Nursing applicants 2018

    I'm on the waitlist as well , I guess it wouldn't hurt to register for the class just in case its a go I would prefer the july session thanks for responding
  4. UALR Nursing applicants 2018

    Hi, I was wondering if we could register for this July class or did we have to wait until we're officially excepted?