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About txranchgirl

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  1. Collin County Community College

    Anyone taking nursing classes at CCCC? Anyone out there who went the nursing school there? How is the program? I am thinking about getting my ADN there and I just wanted to get info about their...
  2. Collin County Math Pre-req

    That would be cool if Quad C accepted the college algebra class. I have a B.S. in Education and a minor in Political Science and I took college algebra, and various other math classes. I also have 8...
  3. I know how you feel. I am 31 and people think I am a college student and some even think I just got out of high school. I am petite and blonde so I am sure that that doesn't help either. It seems...
  4. Online BSN for someone w/ a bachelors...

    I am in the same situation as you are. I have a BS in education and have been taking a few classes here and there to get the science pre-reqs out of the way for nursing school. What I have been told...
  5. Nurse school advice - ADN or BSN?

    The junior college is closer to where I live than TWU. Driving to TWU would be close to an hour from my home. The only problem is that the junior college doesn't have night classes which works wells...
  6. Newborn and Classes? Single Mom Advice

    I think you should get comfortable with your baby and get the baby's routine figured out. I thought I could go back to school after my daughter was born but I decided not too - and I am glad I decided...
  7. Does anyone know what is better? To get an ADN or just get a BSN? I already have a Bachelors degree in Education but I want to go to nursing school. I got accepted into TWU - but I have to take 16 hrs...