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All Content by EXOTIC NURSE

  1. First day in ER - very enlightening

    I am glad everyone had a lovely experience in the ER ....I applied to the ER at my hospital where I am currently employed and they keep giving me the run around but yet they seem to pick and choose "certain individuals" then complain when the pick of...
  2. Nurse Impersonators

    Cost Effectiveness This is the excuse that is being used for why the hospitals are employing unlicensed or unskilled personel to do certain duties. Primary care is the BEST nursing but as mentioned before it is not cost effective, although the patien...
  3. opinion on legalization of marijuana in Canada

    Mario had a good point about Americans not being able to handle the legalization of pot but I am of West Indies culture and "ganga" which is what we call marijuana is a very popular growing thing in the West Indies it is not legal but it is done, th...
  4. opinion on legalization of marijuana in Canada

    This nurse: a "spliff" is what weed is called in the West Indies so now you have learned something new today...........
  5. opinion on legalization of marijuana in Canada

    Did I ever say that the nurse went to work with any kind of effect No I did not and you said yourself if you came to work with a hangover then yes but she did not come to work with any kind of results ...................I am not and will not turn som...
  6. opinion on legalization of marijuana in Canada

    MarnnaRn Why should I turn her in for drug abuse? Is she really a drug abuser because she may smoke a "spliff on her off day. If I saw you in a bar drinking socially and you got drunk should I turn you in for that? I think not....... Who is to sa...
  7. opinion on legalization of marijuana in Canada

    I say legalize it !!!!!!... I think by legalizing it would cut back on some of the the illegal dealings and take some of the illegal drugs off the streets it may not be a big difference but it will make a difference. I say tax the marijuana like c...
  8. Nurse Impersonators

  9. Nurse Impersonators

    Could SICU Queen and MattsMOM81 clarify what they are pertaining to when they use the phrase "pretend nurse" one who pass pills and make beds.........hmmmmmm sounds like they are referring to LPN's if you are then let me enlighten you on this note...
  10. Nurse Impersonators

    the hospital I work in deliberately told all the nurses which include LPN's and RN's to wear white and the CNA's have to wear white pants with teal green scrub tops but most of them will wear a white jacket over the srub top so the patient is very co...
  11. New "Quick Reply" Feature

    love it Brian..........
  12. Use of scented products

    I understand how odors can be somewhat harmful to individuals but as I know for a fact it is kind of hard to not have a scent to your body if you shower daily and put on any kind of lotions or body sprays or even deoderant as I can smell my deoderant...
  13. What Freaks You Out?

    I actually had a patient who had a irish potatoe stuck in his intestines you could see it just looking at his abdomen area and he smelled horrible.......Please dont ask me how did he get a whole irish potatoe in his intestines without swallowing it.....
  14. What Freaks You Out?

    I am a female but the most thing that really affected me most was when I was witnessing a circumsition.....Oh my goodness when the Dr took that sharp scapel and cut that skin I fell to the floor they called a code blue and the staff thought it was fo...
  15. Which Is Better Np Or Pa ?

    I hear a lot about PA's and a lot of controversary of the difference in the two but from my understanding you can only work in certain places with a PA and NP gives you a more rounded medical outlook from a nurses point of view. I also understand th...
  16. Which Is Better Np Or Pa ?

    Thanks for everyone's reply as I am taking them to heart and I appreciate your opinions and comments...............
  17. excited new grad starting in ER!

    I too applied for a position in the ER but I was told that new grads were not to welcome in the ER because they have not worked out in the past. But the manager did take my name and information but I have not heard anything from her as yet. I inten...
  18. Which Is Better Np Or Pa ?

    Thank you very much for your replies as I see 90 people viewed the question but had nothing to say so THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR REPLYING. I was just wondering about that specific topic as I am looking into NP Practice along with Clinical Nurse Special...
  19. Setting a bad example?

    Everyone is not meant to be skinny or small or petite. There are a variety of sizes of all things in life and so on that note. It is the quality care one as a nurse give the patients we are not parents and they are not our children and we as nurses...
  20. I am very much concerned and would like to hear comments on this matter....I was upset and wanted to clock out and go home as the hospital was operating without a house MD for the entire night shift and apparently this was not the first time during t...
  21. working night shift in a hospital with no house MD

    This ng tube has a mercury bulb on the end of it and we as nurses are not allowed to just check for placement like we would do a regular NG tube there has to be an xray to confirm placement and that is hospital policy.
  22. sitter usage

    Sorry this was suppose to be a new topic. I will try again.
  23. sitter usage

    Has anyone ever worked the night shift and had no available house MD for the entire night shift I felt very uncomfortable working under those conditions and I feel it is not a good practice for the hospital to do and from what I understand this is a ...
  24. I'm bored!!!

    I have been pretty bored too but I am going to do some cleaning so I can bring in the New Year with a clean home and clothes washed and everything and then I am going to concentrate on passing my state boards and then working full time in the Emergen...
  25. I Passeddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I passed and completed the nursing program and now I am going to prepare for my state boardsssssss.....Oh gosh it has been a very hard long road but I still have a lot more to do as I want to continue my education...............