Emergency/med surg


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All Content by GS ED RN

  1. How can I become a better ED nurse?

    toughie - how long have you been a nurse? travel nursing could totally be an option (I have never done it personally ) but I have heard wonderful things- you work the shift you want to - and the compensation is great - if you are bored where you are ...
  2. ER New Grad Time Mgmt Help

    the ED is tough for a new nurse - you have to multi-task there is no way around it - the more you do it the more it will become natural - example - obtain VS while listening to the patient story - I wish I had time to truly give patients my undivided...
  3. Covering 1:1’s in the ER

    both EDs I work at - have to pool sitters - so sitters will sit w/ 2-3 patients at a time - logistically ensuring visibility of 2-3 rooms at a time is challenging --- also every facility has differing policies - any restrained patients require 1:1 no...
  4. ER vs M/S

    get out of that comfort zone!! leaving medsurg for the ED (I did love it but needed new challenges) best decision I ever made - I became so flexible and adaptable I would have never grown like that in medsurg -I learn something every single shift - E...
  5. NBC's The Nurses - Just another nurse show?

    couldnt get past the first 7 mins - awful awful - so disappointing - nurses are the backbone of this pandemic response and now they make a show insulting us and completely misrepresenting us!! within the first 7 mins a doctor directly donates b...
  6. New Grad ICU Burnout from COVID

    your words definitely echo through many of us - thank you for all of your hard work -- its unfathomable - I have been a nurse for only 5 years and I swear some days it feels like 50 years (KUDOS to the seasoned nurses out there) I spent a good chunk ...
  7. at both my hospitals we test EVERYONE who is admitted - the swabs are rushed for laboring women/OR cases or people who are symptomatic and critically ill - this wasnt always the practice -before we only swabbed symptomatic admits - it must have chang...
  8. I am NOT playing devil's advocate - but is it possible that these patients are placed on vents to avoid difficult intubation in setting of COVID-19 Infection - my understanding from working in ED and briefly in COVID-ICU is that due to the high risk ...
  9. Urgent: Need advice please?

    this is a tough one --- COVID has made us seriously re-evaluate our priorities/goals/dreams/aspirations -- while it is great to get the experience under your belt- your safety and piece of mind is key - youre a new grad - you don't want this bad expe...
  10. having worked in med/surg/ ED and sooo briefly in the ICU can I just say NONE of that is glamorous --- been in ED level 1 and level 3 trauma centers for 3 yrs I think this all comes from hollywood to be honest - shows usually take place in ICU/surgic...
  11. Boards/confidence - help!!

    hello - I just graduated from a reputable MSN/FNP program. I am attempting to study for my AANP and its not going well - I feel SO stupid. like beyond new grad RN stupid. I am honestly just so overwhelmed with all the content. I have been a nurse f...
  12. Exposed to COVID+ no PPE, only surgical mask

    Good luck!
  13. Exposed to COVID+ no PPE, only surgical mask

    Had to intubate a patient - was in the room for hours and very physically close to them- patient wound up COVID +. 3 days later I woke up with a sore throat/dry cough was SO mild I waited a few hours - I got in my own head overthinking so I called O...
  14. Exposed to COVID+ no PPE, only surgical mask

    was in similar situation --- I am sorry youre going through this scary and frustrating -- start your 2 week countdown - pretend as if you are (+) as in being extra extra careful and cautious not having visitors, seeing people outside of work etc. Is ...
  15. PPE Conservation/Clustering care in ED

    Hello- I work as an ED nurse in an inner city trauma center. The PPE situation recently improved (thank God) however our gowns are crap. They suck and rip as you doff. Anyways - does anyone else get extremely frustrated when providers keep piling on...
  16. hello, I have been working in the ER for less than a year, in my ER we have to rotate through pedi/psych. Pedi is not my favorite because I am not that great at it yet. I took care of a sick developmentally delayed child, it was about 7 hours and th...